The Pirogov–Sinai theory of phase transitions of the first kind is generalized to the
case when the “ground states” of the Hamiltonian of the model are interacting
random fields (disordered phases). Border Hamiltonians and corresponding Ursell
functions are introduced, and also conditions on them (cluster estimates) that
ensure the existence of phase transitions, analyticity of the thermodynamic and
correlation functions in the region of stability of given phases, analyticity of the
strata of the phase diagram, and convergence of the constructed cluster expansions.
A. G. Basuev, “Hamiltonian of the phase separation border and phase transitions of the first kind. I”, TMF, 64:1 (1985), 103–129; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 64:1 (1985), 716–734
This publication is cited in the following 10 articles:
Gibbs Measures and Phase Transitions, 2011, 495
A. G. Basuev, “Interphase Hamiltonian and first-order phase transitions: A generalization of the Lee–Yang theorem”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 153:1 (2007), 1434–1457
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A. G. Basuev, “Hamiltonian of the phase separation border and phase transitions of the first kind. II. The simplest disordered phases”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 72:2 (1987), 861–871
Milo? Zahradn�k, “Analyticity of low-temperature phase diagrams of lattice spin models”, J Stat Phys, 47:5-6 (1987), 725