This paper gives a proof of the theorem announced by the authors in the preceding paper with the same title. The theorem states that asymptotically the behaviour of the polynomials which are orthonormal with respect to the varying weight e−2nQ(x)pg(x)/√∏2pj=1(x−ej) coincides with the asymptotic behaviour of the Nuttall psi-function, which solves a special boundary-value problem on the relevant hyperelliptic Riemann surface of genus g=p−1. Here e1<e2<⋯<e2p, Q(x)=x2m+⋯ is a monic polynomial of even degree 2m and pg is a certain auxiliary polynomial of degree p−1.
Bibliography: 23 titles.
A. V. Komlov, S. P. Suetin, “An asymptotic formula for polynomials orthonormal with respect to a varying weight. II”, Sb. Math., 205:9 (2014), 1334–1356