Questions relating to the Mosco convergence of integral functionals defined on the space of square integrable functions taking values in a Hilbert space are investigated.
The integrands of these functionals are time-dependent proper, convex, lower semicontinuous functions on the Hilbert space. The results obtained are applied to the analysis of the dependence on the parameter of solutions of evolution equations involving time-dependent subdifferential operators. For example a parabolic inclusion is considered, where the right-hand side contains a sum of the p-Laplacian and the subdifferential
of the indicator function of a time-dependent closed convex set.
The convergence as p→+∞ of solutions of this inclusion is investigated.
Bibliography: 20 titles.
Mosco convergence, integral functionals, p-Laplacian.
\by A.~A.~Tolstonogov
\paper Mosco convergence of integral functionals and its applications
\jour Sb. Math.
\yr 2009
\vol 200
\issue 3
\pages 429--454
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This publication is cited in the following 16 articles:
Boccardo L., “Some New Results About Mosco Convergence”, J. Convex Anal., 28:2 (2021), 387–394
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