Let Ω⊂R2 be a bounded domain with boundary ∂Ω consisting of two disjoint closed curves Γ0 and Γ1 such that Γ0 is connected and Γ1≠∅. The Navier–Stokes system ∂tv(t,x)−Δv+(v,∇)v+∇p=f(t,x), divv=0 is considered in Ω with boundary and initial conditions (v,ν)|Γ0=rotv|Γ0=0 and v|t=0=v0(x) (here t∈(0,T), x∈Ω, and ν is the outward normal to Γ0). Let ˆv(t,x) be a solution of this system such that ˆv satisfies the indicated boundary conditions on Γ0 and ‖ˆv(0,⋅)−v0‖W22(Ω)<ε, where ε=ε(ˆv)≪1. Then the existence of a control u(t,x) on (0,T)×Γ1 with the following properties is proved: the solution v(t,x) of the Navier–Stokes system such that (v,ν)|Γ0=rotv|Γ0=0,
v|t=0=v0(x) and v|Γ1=u, coincides with ˆv(T,⋅) for t=T, that is, v(T,x)=ˆv(T,x). In particular, if f and ˆv do not depend on t and ˆv(x) is an unstable steady-state solution, then it follows from the above result that one can suppress the occurrence of turbulence by some control α on Γ1. An analogous result is established in the case when Γ0=∂Ω and α(t,x) is a distributed control concentrated in an arbitrary subdomain ω⊂Ω.
A. V. Fursikov, Yu. S. Èmanuilov, “Local exact controllability of the two-dimensional Navier–Stokes equations”, Sb. Math., 187:9 (1996), 1355–1390
\by A.~V.~Fursikov, Yu.~S.~\`Emanuilov
\paper Local exact controllability of the~two-dimensional Navier--Stokes equations
\jour Sb. Math.
\yr 1996
\vol 187
\issue 9
\pages 1355--1390
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