This article gives a short step-by-step introduction to the representation of parametric Feynman integrals in scalar perturbative quantum field theory as periods of motives. The application of motivic Galois theory to the algebro-geometric and categorical structures underlying Feynman graphs is reviewed up to the current state of research. The example of primitive log-divergent Feynman graphs in scalar massless ϕ4 quantum field theory is analysed in detail.
Keywords:scattering amplitudes, Feynman diagrams, multiple zeta values, Hodge structures, periods of motives, Galois theory, Tannakian categories.
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Italian Department of Education, Research and University
This work is partially supported by the Italian Department of Education, Research and University (Torno Subito 13474/19.09.2018 POR-Lazio-FSE/2014-2020) and the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research SwissMAP (NCCR 51NF40-141869 The Mathematics of Physics).
Received:August 30, 2020; in final form March 3, 2021; Published online March 26, 2021
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