List of publications: |
Citations (Crossref Cited-By Service + Math-Net.Ru) |
2021 |
1. |
Sergey M. Ramodanov, Sergey V. Sokolov, “Dynamics of a Circular Cylinder and Two Point Vortices
in a Perfect Fluid”, Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 26:6 (2021), 675–691 ;
2. |
S. V. Sokolov, “In memory of Alexey Vladimirovich Borisov 1965–2021”, Computer Research and Modeling, 13:1 (2021), 9–14 |
3. |
O. V. Anashkin, P. M. Akhmet'ev, D. V. Balandin, M. K. Barinova, I. V. Boykov, V. N. Belykh, P. A. Vel'misov, I. Yu. Vlasenko, O. E. Galkin, S. Yu. Galkina, V. K. Gorbunov, S. D. Glyzin, S. V. Gonchenko, A. S. Gorodetski, E. V. Gubina, E. Ya. Gurevich, A. A. Davydov, L. S. Efremova, R. V. Zhalnin, A. Yu. Zhirov, E. V. Zhuzhoma, N. I. Zhukova, S. Kh. Zinina, Yu. S. Ilyashenko, N. V. Isaenkova, A. O. Kazakov, A. V. Klimenko, S. A. Komech, Yu. A. Kordyukov, V. E. Kruglov, E. V. Kruglov, E. B. Kuznetsov, S. K. Lando, Yu. A. Levchenko, L. M. Lerman, M. I. Malkin, D. S. Malyshev, V. K. Mamaev, T. Ph. Mamedova, V. S. Medvedev, T. V. Medvedev, D. I. Mints, T. M. Mitryakova, A. D. Morozov, A. I. Morozov, E. V. Nozdrinova, E. N. Pelinovsky, Ya. B. Pesin, A. S. Pikovsky, S. Yu. Pilyugin, G. M. Polotovsky, O. V. Pochinka, I. D. Remizov, P. E. Ryabov, A. S. Skripchenko, A. V. Slunyaev, S. V. Sokolov, L. A. Sukharev, E. A. Talanova, V. A. Timorin, S. B. Tikhomirov, V. F. Tishkin, D. V. Treschev, D. , “To the 75th anniversary of Vyacheslav Zigmundovich Grines”, Zhurnal SVMO, 23:4 (2021), 472–476 |
2020 |
4. |
A. V. Borisov, P. E. Ryabov, S. V. Sokolov, “On the existence of focus singularities in one model of a Lagrange top with a vibrating suspension point”, Dokl. Math., 102:3 (2020), 468–471 |
5. |
A. V. Borisov, E. A. Mikishanina, S. V. Sokolov, “Dynamics of Multi-Link Uncontrolled Wheeled Vehicle”, Russ. J. Math. Phys., 27:4 (2020), 433–445 ;
2019 |
6. |
P. E. Ryabov, S. V. Sokolov, Nelin. Dinam., 15:1 (2019), 59–66 |
2018 |
7. |
S. V. Sokolov, P. E. Ryabov, “Bifurcation diagram of the two vortices in a Bose–Einstein condensate with intensities of the same signs”, Dokl. Math., 97:3 (2018), 286–290 |
2017 |
8. |
S. V. Sokolov, “The Adler–van Moerbeke integrable case. Visualization of bifurcations of Liouville tori”, Vestn. Udmurtsk. Univ. Mat. Mekh. Komp. Nauki, 27:4 (2017), 532–539 |
9. |
Sergei V. Sokolov, Pavel E. Ryabov, “Bifurcation Analysis of the Dynamics of Two Vortices in a Bose – Einstein Condensate. The Case of Intensities of Opposite Signs”, Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 22:8 (2017), 976–995
2016 |
10. |
A. V. Borisov, P. E. Ryabov, S. V. Sokolov, “Bifurcation Analysis of the Motion of a Cylinder and a Point Vortex in an Ideal Fluid”, Math. Notes, 99:6 (2016), 834–839 |
11. |
Pavel E. Ryabov, Andrej A. Oshemkov, Sergei V. Sokolov, “The Integrable Case of Adler – van Moerbeke. Discriminant Set and Bifurcation Diagram”, Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 21:5 (2016), 581–592
2015 |
12. |
S. V. Sokolov, I. S. Koltsov, “Chaotic scattering of the point vortex by falling circular cylinder”, Vestn. Udmurtsk. Univ. Mat. Mekh. Komp. Nauki, 25:2 (2015), 184–196 |
2014 |
13. |
Sergey V. Sokolov, “Falling Motion of a circular cylinder interacting dynamically with $N$ point vortices”, Nelin. Dinam., 10:1 (2014), 59–72 |
14. |
S. V. Sokolov, “Falling motion of a circular cylinder interacting dynamically with a vortex pair in a perfect fluid”, Vestn. Udmurtsk. Univ. Mat. Mekh. Komp. Nauki, 2014, no. 2, 86–99 |
2013 |
15. |
S. V. Sokolov, S. M. Ramodanov, “Falling motion of a circular cylinder interacting dynamically with a point vortex”, Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 18:1 (2013), 184-193
2012 |
16. |
Sergey V. Sokolov, Sergey M. Ramodanov, “Falling motion of a circular cylinder interacting dynamically with a point vortex”, Nelin. Dinam., 8:3 (2012), 617–628 |