1. The Lesser Prize 2014 of IAPC "Nauka/Interperiodica" for the best publication in its journals (a series of works devoted to the study of solutions of systems of ordinary differential equations on compact sets).
2. Together with the French mathematician René Lozi, a high-precision numerical method was developed for constructing approximations to chaotic motions of dynamical systems with quadratic nonlinearities.
3. A high-precision numerical scheme for finding approximations to unstable cycles of the Lorenz system is proposed.
4. A member of the Editorial Board of the journal "Chaos Theory and Applications". https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/chaos
5. In 2020, Alexander Pchelintsev scientifically edited the second edition in Russian of James Gleicks book "Chaos: Making a New Science" by Corpus.
6. A member of the Reviewer Board of the journal "Mathematics" (MDPI). https://www.mdpi.com/journal/mathematics/submission_reviewers
7. Guest Editor of the Special Issue "Mathematical Modeling and Study of Nonlinear Dynamic Processes" of the journal "Computation" (MDPI) https://www.mdpi.com/journal/computation/special_issues/Nonlinear_Dynamic_Processes
Main publications:
A. N. Pchelintsev, “On a high-precision method for studying attractors of dynamical systems and systems of explosive type”, Mathematics, 10:8 (2022), 1207, 12 ñ. HAL Open Archive, arXiv: 2206.08195
A. N. Pchelintsev, “On the Poisson stability to study a fourth-order dynamical system with quadratic nonlinearities”, Mathematics, 9:17 (2021), 2057, 18 ñ. HAL Open Archive, arXiv: 2112.14808
A. N. Pchelintsev, “A numerical-analytical method for constructing periodic solutions of the Lorenz system”, Differencialnie Uravnenia i Protsesy Upravlenia, 2020, № 4, 59–75diffjournal.spbu.ru, arXiv: 2102.04794
Rene Lozi, V. A. Pogonin, A. N. Pchelintsev, “A new accurate numerical method of approximation of chaotic solutions of dynamical model equations with quadratic nonlinearities”, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 91 (2016), 108–114HAL Open Archive
Rene Lozi, A. N. Pchelintsev, “A new reliable numerical method for computing chaotic solutions of dynamical systems: the Chen attractor case”, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 25:13 (2015), 1550187, 10 ñ. HAL Open Archive
A. Ahmadi, V. Vijayan, H. Natiq, A. N. Pchelintsev, K. Rajagopal, S. Jafari, “A novel megastable chaotic system with hidden attractors and its parameter estimation using the Sparrow search algorithm”, Computation, 12:12 (2024), 245 , 18 pp.
A. Obukhov, A. Volkov, A. Pchelintsev, A. Nazarova, D. Teselkin, E. Surkova, I. Fedorchuk, “Examination of the accuracy of movement tracking systems for monitoring exercise for musculoskeletal rehabilitation”, Sensors, 23:19 (2023), 8058 , 30 pp.
I. I. Emelyanova, A. N. Pchelintsev, “Optimal control of non-linear systems via quadratic criteria with bounded controls”, Programmnye Produkty i Sistemy (Software & Systems), 36:2 (2023), 245–249 (in Russian)
M. Vigdorowitsch, V. V. Ostrikov, A. N. Pchelintsev, I. Yu. Pchelintseva, “Diffusion kinetics theory of removal of assemblies’ surface deposits with flushing oil”, Computation, 11:8 (2023), 164 , 12 pp.
J. Venkatesh, A. N. Pchelintsev, A. Karthikeyan, F. Parastesh, S. Jafari, “A fractional-order memristive two-neuron-based hopfield neuron network: dynamical analysis and application for image encryption”, Mathematics, 11:21 (2023), 4470 , 17 pp.
A. N. Pchelintsev, “On a high-precision method for studying attractors of dynamical systems and systems of explosive type”, Mathematics, 10:8 (2022), 1207 , 12 pp. HAL Open Archive, arXiv: 2206.08195
A. N. Pchelintsev, “High-precision calculations for the modeling of nonlinear dynamical systems with attractors”, Computer Science: Problems, Methods, Technologies. Proceedings of the XXII International Scientific and Practical Conference named after E.K. Algazinov. Edited by D.N. Borisov (Voronezh, February 10 – 12, 2022), Welborn, Voronezh, 2022, 437–443 (in Russian)
D. Pesterev, O. Druzhina, A. Pchelintsev, E. Nepomuceno, D. Butusov, “Numerical integration schemes based on composition of adjoint multistep methods”, Algorithms, 15:12 (2022), 463 , 12 pp.
T. V. Zhukovskaya, E. A. Molokanova, A. N. Pchelintsev, Vysshaya matematika s elementami tvorcheskogo obucheniya v 4 ch., Uchebnoe posobie, 4, Izdatelskii tsentr FGBOU VO "TGTU", Tambov, 2022 , 168 pp., Multimediinoe elektronnoe izdanie https://www.tstu.ru/book/elib3/mm/2022/Gukovskaya/
I. Yu. Pchelintseva, A. N. Pchelintsev, Yu. V. Litovka, “Modeling of metal distribution when coating flat metal plates in electroplating baths”, International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields, 34:2 (2021), e2830 , 10 pp. View Article
M. Vigdorowitsch, A. N. Pchelintsev, L. E. Tsygankova, “Analytical continuation within the Freundlich adsorption model. Comment on Edet, U.A.; Ifelebuegu, A.O. Kinetics, isotherms, and thermodynamic modeling of the adsorption of phosphates from model wastewater using recycled brick waste. Processes 2020, 8, 665”, Processes, 9:7 (2021), 1251 , 5 pp.
A. N. Pchelintsev, “On the Poisson stability to study a fourth-order dynamical system with quadratic nonlinearities”, Mathematics, 9:17 (2021), 2057 , 18 pp. HAL Open Archive, arXiv: 2112.14808
M. Vigdorowitsch, A. Pchelintsev, L. Tsygankova, E. Tanygina, “Freundlich isotherm: an adsorption model complete framework”, Applied Sciences, 11:17 (2021), 8078 , 7 pp.
A. N. Pchelintsev, “On the study of fourth-order dynamic system with quadratic nonlinearities”, Mathematical Methods in Technologies and Technics (St. Petersburg, May 31 – June 4, 2021), Sarlen-Alex, Saratov, 2021, 11–15 (in Russian)
T. V. Zhukovskaya, E. A. Molokanova, A. N. Pchelintsev, Vysshaya matematika s elementami tvorcheskogo obucheniya v 4 ch., Uchebnoe posobie, 3, Izdatelskii tsentr FGBOU VO "TGTU", Tambov, 2021 , 163 pp., Multimediinoe elektronnoe izdanie https://www.tstu.ru/book/elib3/mm/2021/Zukovskaya
A. D. Nakhman, D. N. Protasov, A. N. Pchelintsev, Praktiko-orientirovannye zadachi po vysshei matematike, Uchebnoe posobie, Izdatelskii tsentr FGBOU VO "TGTU", Tambov, 2021 , 80 pp., Uchebnoe elektronnoe izdanie https://www.tstu.ru/book/elib1/exe/2021/Nakhman.exe
A. N. Pchelintsev, “An accurate numerical method and algorithm for constructing solutions of chaotic systems”, Journal of Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 9:2 (2020), 207–221HAL Open Archive, arXiv: 2011.10664
A. N. Pchelintsev, “A numerical-analytical method for constructing periodic solutions of the Lorenz system”, Differencialnie Uravnenia i Protsesy Upravlenia, 2020, no. 4, 59–75diffjournal.spbu.ru, arXiv: 2102.04794
T. V. Zhukovskaya, E. A. Molokanova, A. N. Pchelintsev, Vysshaya matematika s elementami tvorcheskogo obucheniya v 4 ch., Uchebnoe posobie, 2, Izdatelskii tsentr FGBOU VO “TGTU”, Tambov, 2020 , 156 pp., Multimediinoe elektronnoe izdanie https://www.tstu.ru/book/book/elib3/mm/2020/Gukovskay
A. D. Nakhman, D. N. Protasov, A. N. Pchelintsev, Elementy stokhastiki - kompetentnostnyi podkhod, Uchebnoe posobie, Izdatelskii tsentr FGBOU VO "TGTU", Tambov, 2020 , 84 pp., Uchebnoe elektronnoe izdanie https://www.tstu.ru/book/book/elib1/exe/2020/Nachman.exe
A. Pchelintsev, Review of the book “Chaos: Making a New Science” by James Gleick, 2020 Corpus Publishing Blog (in Russian)
A. P. Afanasev, S. M. Dzyuba, I. I. Emelyanova, A. N. Pchelintsev, E. V. Putilina, “Optimal control of nonlinear systems with separated linear part via quadratic criteria”, Optimization Letters, 13:8 (2019), 1715–1725View Article
A. N. Pchelintsev, A. A. Polunovskiy, I. Yu. Yukhanova, “The harmonic balance method for finding approximate periodic solutions of the Lorenz system”, Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics, 24:126 (2019), 187–203HAL Open Archive, arXiv: 1908.08556 (in Russian)
A. N. Pchelintsev, “On the construction of approximate periodic solutions of the Lorenz system”, XVI School-Conference of Young Scientists “Management of Large Systems” (Tambov, September, 10–13), 2019, 30–34
A. N. Pchelintsev, “The dynamics of signals in digital circuits: the transition from Boolean algebra to a new algebra”, Lecture for school students in the project “Basic Schools of the Russian Academy of Sciences” September 11, 2019, School-Conference of Young Scientists “Management of Large Systems”, Tambov State Technical University, 2019 (Published online) (in Russian)
A. P. Afanasiev, S. M. Dzyuba, A. N. Pchelintsev, I. I. Emelyanova, “Optimal feedback control for one class of nonlinear systems via quadratic criterion”, Programmnye Produkty i Sistemy (Software & Systems), 31:4 (2018), 705–709 (in Russian)
A. N. Pchelintsev, “On the numerical method of construction of unstable solutions of dynamical systems with quadratic nonlinearities”, Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences, 23:123 (2018), 555–565
A. Pchelintsev, Finding cycles on the Lorenz attractor in Maxima package, https://habr.com/ru/post/354968/, 2018 Habrahabr (in Russian)
A. Pchelintsev, Three cycles in the Lorenz attractor, https://habrahabr.ru/post/329578/, 2017 Habrahabr (in Russian)
V. A. Pogonin, M. P. Onevsky, A. N. Pchelintsev, “On algorithm of identification of nonlinear system parameters”, Applied Mathematical Sciences, 10:20 (2016), 973–987
A. N. Pchelintsev, “On a numerical method of construction of unstable solutions of the Chen system”, Proceedings of the 5th International conference “Nonlinear Analysis and Extremal Problems” (Irkutsk, June 20–25, 2016), ISDCT SB RAS, 2016, 40–43 (in Russian)
Rene Lozi, V. A. Pogonin, A. N. Pchelintsev, “A new accurate numerical method of approximation of chaotic solutions of dynamical model equations with quadratic nonlinearities”, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 91 (2016), 108–114HAL Open Archive
Rene Lozi, A. N. Pchelintsev, “A new reliable numerical method for computing chaotic solutions of dynamical systems: the Chen attractor case”, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 25:13 (2015), 1550187 , 10 pp. DBLP CSB
A. Pchelintsev, On the existence of periodic solutions in the Lorenz system, https://habrahabr.ru/post/249429/, 2015 (Published online) Habrahabr (in Russian)
A. N. Pchelintsev, V. A. Pogonin, “A method of determining the control parameters in the energy-saving control problem”, Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 10:2 (2015), 33–36
A. Pchelintsev, Two-dimensional dynamic arrays in C++, Lecture for students, 2015 (Published online) (in Russian)
A. N. Pchelintsev, “Numerical and physical modeling of the dynamics of the Lorenz system”, Numerical Analysis and Applications, 7:2 (2014), 159–167
A. Pchelintsev, On the solution of incomplete cubic equation, https://habrahabr.ru/post/211881/, 2014 (Published online) Habrahabr (in Russian)
A. Pchelintsev, The Lorenz system and computer experiment, https://habrahabr.ru/post/229959/, 2014 (Published online) Habrahabr (in Russian)
A. N. Pchelintsev, “On constructing generally periodic solutions of a complicated structure of a non-autonomous system of differential equations”, Numerical Analysis and Applications, 6:1 (2013), 54–61
A. N. Pchelintsev, “Construction of periodic solutions of one class nonautonomous systems of differential equations”, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics, 1:3 (2013), 1–4CiteSeerX
A. N. Pchelintsev, The failure risk analysis of digital circuits, 2013 (Published online) SciRate, arXiv: 1303.4051
A. Pchelintsev, A critical view on the Lorenz attractor, https://habrahabr.ru/post/203926/, 2013 (Published online) Habrahabr (in Russian)
A. N. Pchelintsev, V. A. Pogonin, A. Yu. Godymchuk, Yu. M. Smolin, “A study of mathematical models dynamics in distributed computing environment”, Transactions of TSTU, 18:4 (2012), 1002–1006 (in Russian)
S. V. Bezgin, A. N. Pchelintsev, “Structure of matrix and symbolic calculations for research of the behavior of solutions of ordinary differential equations”, Control Systems and Information Technology, 47:1 (2012), 4–7 (in Russian)
A. P. Afanasyev, S. M. Dzyuba, A. N. Pchelintsev, S. M. Lobanov, “Optimal control over single-class of nonlinear systems via quadratic criterion”, Transactions of TSTU, 16:2 (2010), 361–374 (in Russian)
S. M. Dzyuba, S. M. Lobanov, A. N. Pchelintsev, “On constructing of optimal control of nonlinear systems by quadratic criterion”, Actual Problems of Applied Mathematics, Computer Science and Mechanics (Voronezh, September 20 – 22, 2010), Voronezh State University, Voronezh, 2010, 135–137 (in Russian)
A. N. Pchelintsev, A. Yu. Povetyev, “An algorithm for constructing an arc of trajectory of a dynamical system of Markov type in a distributed computer environment”, XIII Russian conference with the participation of foreign scientists “Distributed information and computing resources” (DICR-2010) (Novosibirsk, November 30 – December 3, 2010), Electron. opt. disk (CD-ROM). – State number Registration 0321100051, 2010 http://conf.nsc.ru/dicr2010/ru/reportview/31571
A. N. Pchelintsev, V. A. Pogonin, “On finding generally periodic solutions of autonomous systems of differential equations in a distributed computing environment using symbolic computation”, Control Systems and Information Technology, 36:2 (2009), 27–31 (in Russian)
A. N. Pchelintsev, “On the experience of using symbolic computing to study the Lorenz system”, Proceedings of the Institute for System Analysis of the RAS, 46 (2009), 138–146URSS.ru (in Russian)
A. Pchelintsev, “One option of Satellite Internet setup in Mandriva Linux 2007”, System Administrator, 2007, no. 9 (58), 38–40 (in Russian)
A. N. Pchelintsev, “The solution of inverse problem using the continuous gravimetric dosing (manuscript)”, 2006 (in Russian)
V. A. Popov, A. N. Pchelintsev, “Special functions in the mathematical disciplines of a technical university”, Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences, 8:3 (2003), 435 (in Russian)
A. N. Pchelintsev, V. A. Shishin, “Relaxation time of electron conduction in metal”, Transactions of TSTU, 9:3 (2003), 464–468 (in Russian)
A. N. Pchelintsev, “Voltmeter as a speedometer (manuscript)”, 2000 (in Russian)
On modeling the dynamics of the Lorenz system A. N. Pchelintsev International conference "Kolmogorov Meetings VI. General control problems and applications (GCP-2013)", Tambov State University (Tambov, 2013) October 8, 2013 16:05