Publications in Math-Net.Ru |
Citations |
2024 |
1. |
M. R. Langarshoev, A. G. Aydarmamadov, “The best approximation of functions analytic in the unit circle in weighted Bergman space”, Dal'nevost. Mat. Zh., 24:1 (2024), 55–66 |
2. |
M. R. Langarshoev, “On the best approximation of analytic in a disk functions in the weighted Bergman space $\mathscr{B}_{2,\mu}$”, Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Mat., 2024, no. 6, 27–36 |
3. |
M. R. Langarshoev, “Jackson–Stechkin type inequalities between the best polynomial approximations and generalized moduli of continuity in the weighted Bergman space $\mathscr{B}_{2,\gamma}$”, Mat. Zametki, 116:3 (2024), 396–410 ; Math. Notes, 116:3 (2024), 485–497 |
4. |
M. R. Langarshoev, “The best approximation of analytic in a unit circle
functionsin the Bergman weight space $\mathscr{B}_{2,\mu}$”, Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics, 29:145 (2024), 65–76 |
2023 |
5. |
M. R. Langarshoev, “The best approximation and the values of the widths of some classes of analytical functions in the weighted Bergman space $\mathscr{B}_{2,\gamma}$”, Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics, 28:142 (2023), 182–192 |
2022 |
6. |
M. R. Langarshoev, “On the best approximation and the values of the widths of some classes of functions in the Bergmann weight space”, Russian Universities Reports. Mathematics, 27:140 (2022), 339–350 |
2021 |
7. |
M. R. Langarshoev, “Jackson–Stechkin type inequalities and widths of classes of functions in the weighted Bergman space”, Chebyshevskii Sb., 22:2 (2021), 135–144 |
8. |
M. R. Langarshoev, “On the value of the widths of some classes of functions from $L_{2}$”, Dal'nevost. Mat. Zh., 21:1 (2021), 61–70 |
9. |
M. R. Langarshoev, S. S. Khorazmshoev, “Sharp inequalities of Jackson-Stechkin type and widths of classes of functions in $L_{2}$”, Ufimsk. Mat. Zh., 13:1 (2021), 56–68 ; Ufa Math. J., 13:1 (2021), 56–67 |
2019 |
10. |
M. Sh. Shabozov, M. R. Langarshoev, “Best linear approximation methods for some classes of analytic functions on the unit disk”, Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 60:6 (2019), 1414–1423 ; Siberian Math. J., 60:6 (2019), 1101–1108 |
11. |
M. R. Langarshoev, “On the best polynomial approximation of functions in the weight Bergman space”, Vladikavkaz. Mat. Zh., 21:1 (2019), 27–36 |
2014 |
12. |
M. R. Langarshoev, “Sharp inequality of Jackson–Stechkin type and widths of functional classes in the space $L_2$”, Eurasian Math. J., 5:1 (2014), 122–134 |
13. |
S. B. Vakarchuk, M. Sh. Shabozov, M. R. Langarshoev, “On the best mean square approximations by entire functions of exponential type in $L_2(\mathbb R)$ and mean $\nu$-widths of some functional classes”, Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Mat., 2014, no. 7, 30–48 ; Russian Math. (Iz. VUZ), 58:7 (2014), 25–41 |
2013 |
14. |
M. R. Langarshoev, “The Exact Inequalities of Jackson–Stechkin Type and the Width Values for Some Classes of Functions in $L_{2}$ Space”, Model. Anal. Inform. Sist., 20:5 (2013), 90–105 |
Organisations |