Mashtakov, Alexey Pavlovich

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Total publications: 17
Scientific articles: 17
Presentations: 6

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This page:647
Abstract pages:4858
Full texts:2249
Mashtakov, Alexey Pavlovich
Senior Researcher
Candidate of technical sciences (2012)
Speciality: 05.13.11 (Mathematical and programme software for computers, computer systems, and networks)
UDC: 517.977


Nonlinear geometric control theory; optimal control; sub-Riemannian geometry; invariant control systems on Lie groups; applications in robotics; modelling of vision and image processing.

Main publications:
  1. E.J. Bekkers, R. Duits, A. Mashtakov, G.R Sanguinetti, “A PDE Approach to Data-Driven Sub-Riemannian Geodesics in SE(2)”, Siam Journal on Imaging Sciences, 8:4 (2015), 2740-2770  crossref
  2. A. P. Mashtakov, “Sub-Riemannian Geometry in Image Processing and Modeling of the Human Visual System”, Нелинейная динам., 15:4 (2019), 561–568  mathnet  crossref  elib
  3. Alexey P. Mashtakov, Andrei A. Ardentov, Yuri L. Sachkov, “Parallel Algorithm and Software for Image Inpainting via Sub-Riemannian Minimizers on the Group of Rototranslations”, Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods and Applications, 6:1 (2013), 95–115  crossref
  4. A. Mashtakov, R. Duits, Y. Sachkov, E.J. Bekkers, I. Beschastnyi, “Tracking of Lines in Spherical Images via Sub-Riemannian Geodesics in SO(3)”, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 58:2 (2017), 239–264  crossref
  5. A.P. Mashtakov, Yu.L. Sachkov, “Superintegrability of Left-Invariant Sub-Riemannian Structures on Unimodular Three-Dimensional Lie Groups”, Differential Equations, 51:11 (2015), 1482–1488  crossref
List of publications on Google Scholar
List of publications on ZentralBlatt

Publications in Math-Net.Ru Citations
1. Alexey P. Mashtakov, Yuri L. Sachkov, “Extremal Trajectories in a Time-Optimal Problem on the Group of Motions of a Plane with Admissible Control in a Circular Sector”, Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 321 (2023),  215–222  mathnet; Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 321 (2023), 200–207  scopus 1
2. A. P. Mashtakov, “Time minimization problem on the group of motions of a plane with admissible control in a half-disc”, Mat. Sb., 213:4 (2022),  100–122  mathnet  mathscinet; Sb. Math., 213:4 (2022), 534–555  isi  scopus 4
3. A. A. Ardentov, A. P. Mashtakov, “Control of a mobile robot with a trailer based on nilpotent approximation”, Avtomat. i Telemekh., 2021, no. 1,  95–118  mathnet  elib; Autom. Remote Control, 82:1 (2021), 73–92  isi  scopus 7
4. A. P. Mashtakov, V. A. Yumaguzhin, V. N. Yumaguzhina, “On solutions to Fokker–Planck equations”, Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki. Sovrem. Mat. Pril. Temat. Obz., 178 (2020),  102–111  mathnet
5. A. P. Mashtakov, A. Yu. Popov, “Asymptotics of Extremal Controls in the Sub-Riemannian Problem on the Group of Motions of Euclidean Space”, Rus. J. Nonlin. Dyn., 16:1 (2020),  195–208  mathnet  elib  scopus
6. A. P. Mashtakov, “Sub-Riemannian Geometry in Image Processing and Modeling of the Human Visual System”, Rus. J. Nonlin. Dyn., 15:4 (2019),  561–568  mathnet  elib  scopus 1
7. A. P. Mashtakov, K. A. Putintseva, “Image processing toolkit inspired by mechanisms of human visual perception”, Program Systems: Theory and Applications, 10:4 (2019),  111–139  mathnet
8. A. P. Mashtakov, “On the step-$2$ nilpotent $(n, n(n + 1)/2)$ sub-Riemannian structures”, Program Systems: Theory and Applications, 9:4 (2018),  319–360  mathnet
9. V. Markasheva, A. Mashtakov, “Existence of global fundamental solution to a class of Fokker–Planck equations”, Program Systems: Theory and Applications, 8:4 (2017),  149–162  mathnet 1
10. Alexey P. Mashtakov, A. Yu. Popov, “Extremal Controls in the Sub-Riemannian Problem on the Group of Motions of Euclidean Space”, Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 22:8 (2017),  949–954  mathnet  isi  scopus 3
11. A. Mashtakov, R. Duits, “A cortical based model for contour completion on the retinal sphere”, Program Systems: Theory and Applications, 7:4 (2016),  231–247  mathnet  elib
12. Alexey Mashtakov, Andrei Ardentov, Yuri L. Sachkov, “Relation Between Euler’s Elasticae and Sub-Riemannian Geodesics on $SE(2)$”, Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 21:7-8 (2016),  832–839  mathnet  isi  scopus 2
13. A. A. Ardentov, I. Yu. Beschatny, A. P. Mashtakov, A. Yu. Popov, Yu. L. Sachkov, E. F. Sachkova, “Algorithms for evaluation position and orientation of UAV”, Program Systems: Theory and Applications, 3:3 (2012),  23–39  mathnet
14. A. P. Mashtakov, “Algorithms and Software Solving a Motion Planning Problem for Nonholonomic Five-dimensional Control Systems”, Program Systems: Theory and Applications, 3:1 (2012),  3–29  mathnet 5
15. A. P. Mashtakov, “Asymptotics of extremal curves in the ball rolling problem on the plane”, CMFD, 42 (2011),  158–165  mathnet  mathscinet; Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 199:6 (2014), 687–694  scopus 1
16. A. P. Mashtakov, Yu. L. Sachkov, “Extremal trajectories and the asymptotics of the Maxwell time in the problem of the optimal rolling of a sphere on a plane”, Mat. Sb., 202:9 (2011),  97–120  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath  elib; Sb. Math., 202:9 (2011), 1347–1371  isi  scopus 11
17. Yu. L. Sachkov, A. A. Ardentov, A. P. Mashtakov, “Parallel algorithm and software for recovery of isophotes for corrupted images”, Program Systems: Theory and Applications, 1:1 (2010),  3–20  mathnet 1

Presentations in Math-Net.Ru
1. Задачи управления в моделях зрения и обработке изображений
A. P. Mashtakov
School of Young Mechanics and Mathematicians SYMM 2023
October 4, 2023 11:00   
2. Time minimization problem on the Heisenberg group with control in a half-disk
A. P. Mashtakov
International Conference “Differential Equations and Optimal Control” dedicated to the centenary of the birth of Academician Evgenii Frolovich Mishchenko
June 9, 2022 17:50   
3. Time minimization problem on the group of motions of a plane with admissible control in a half-disk
A. P. Mashtakov
Geometric Theory of Optimal Control
May 26, 2021 16:45   
4. Sub-Riemannian geodesics in SO(3) with applications to vessel tracking in spherical images of retina
A. P. Mashtakov
International Conference "Geometric Analysis and Control Theory"
December 8, 2016 15:25   
5. Sub-Riemannian problems on 3D Lie groups with applications to retinal image processing
A. P. Mashtakov
International Conference on Mathematical Control Theory and Mechanics
July 6, 2015 14:30
6. Analysis of cusps and characterization of the existence set in an association field model on the retinal sphere
A. P. Mashtakov
International Conference on Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems
July 7, 2014 17:50

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