Publications in Math-Net.Ru |
Citations |
2024 |
1. |
E. P. Kubyshkin, V. A. Kulikov, “Nonlinear waves in a parabolic equation with a spatial argument rescaling operator and with time delay”, TMF, 220:2 (2024), 298–326 ; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 220:2 (2024), 1315–1340 |
2. |
E. P. Kubishkin, “Averaging method in the problem of constructing self-oscillatory solutions of distributed kinetic systems”, Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 64:12 (2024), 2355–2370 ; Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 64:12 (2024), 2868–2885 |
2023 |
3. |
L. N. Kazakov, E. P. Kubishkin, D. E. Paley, “Construction of an adaptive motion control system optimal information exchange scheme for a group of unmanned aerial vehicles”, Model. Anal. Inform. Sist., 30:1 (2023), 16–26 |
2022 |
4. |
E. P. Kubyshkin, “Optimal control of the behavior of solutions to an initial-boundary value problem arising in the mechanics of discrete-continuum systems”, CMFD, 68:3 (2022), 488–508 |
2021 |
5. |
L. N. Kazakov, E. P. Kubyshkin, I. V. Lukyanov, “An algorithm for estimating the signal frequency at the output of a channel with a controlled information flow under phase noise conditions”, Model. Anal. Inform. Sist., 28:4 (2021), 452–461 |
6. |
E. P. Kubishkin, A. I. Pahomov, “Investigation of the stability of rotation of a rigid body on a flexible rod”, Taurida Journal of Computer Science Theory and Mathematics, 2021, no. 4, 52–68 |
7. |
E. P. Kubishkin, V. A. Kulikov, “Bifurcations of self-oscillatory solutions to a nonlinear parabolic equation with a rotating spatial argument and time delay”, Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 61:3 (2021), 428–449 ; Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 61:3 (2021), 403–423 |
2020 |
8. |
E. P. Kubishkin, V. A. Kulikov, “On a mechanism for the formation of spatially inhomogeneous structures of light waves in optical information transmission systems”, Model. Anal. Inform. Sist., 27:2 (2020), 152–163 |
9. |
E. P. Kubyshkin, A. R. Moriakova, “Analysis of Special Cases
in the Study of Bifurcations
of Periodic Solutions of the Ikeda Equation”, Rus. J. Nonlin. Dyn., 16:3 (2020), 437–451 |
2019 |
10. |
E. P. Kubyshkin, V. A. Kulikov, “Analysis of the conditions for the emergence of spatially inhomogeneous structures of light waves in optical information transmission systems”, Model. Anal. Inform. Sist., 26:2 (2019), 297–305 |
11. |
E. P. Kubishkin, A. R. Moryakova, “Bifurcation features of periodic solutions of the Mackey–Glass equation”, Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 59:8 (2019), 1340–1357 ; Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 59:8 (2019), 1275–1291 |
2018 |
12. |
E. P. Kubyshkin, A. R. Moriakova, “Features of Bifurcations of Periodic Solutions of the Ikeda Equation”, Nelin. Dinam., 14:3 (2018), 301–324 |
2016 |
13. |
E. P. Kubyshkin, A. R. Moryakova, “Bifurcation of periodic solutions of the Mackey–Glass equation”, Model. Anal. Inform. Sist., 23:6 (2016), 784–803 |
2015 |
14. |
E. P. Kubyshkin, A. R. Moryakova, “Investigation of oscillatory solutions of differential-difference equations of second order in a critical case”, Model. Anal. Inform. Sist., 22:3 (2015), 439–447 |
15. |
D. A. Eliseev, E. P. Kubyshkin, “Solutions stability of initial boundary problem, modeling of dynamics of some discrete continuum mechanical system”, Model. Anal. Inform. Sist., 22:2 (2015), 197–208 |
16. |
D. S. Glyzin, E. P. Kubyshkin, A. R. Moryakova, “On the location of some characteristic quasipolinomial roots”, Model. Anal. Inform. Sist., 22:1 (2015), 74–84 |
2014 |
17. |
E. P. Kubishkin, M. S. Triakhov, “Optimal behavior control of an initial-boundary problem solution modelling rotation of a solid body with the flexible rod”, Model. Anal. Inform. Sist., 21:5 (2014), 78–92 |
18. |
D. A. Eliseev, E. P. Kubyshkin, “Equations of Motion of a Rigid Body with Two Elastic Rods”, Model. Anal. Inform. Sist., 21:1 (2014), 66–72 |
19. |
E. P. Kubyshkin, “Domain effect on the behavior of solutions of a distributed kinetic system”, Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 54:6 (2014), 988–999 ; Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 54:6 (2014), 994–1004 |
2013 |
20. |
E. P. Kubyshkin, “The Effect of Domain Deformation on the Behavior of a Distributed Kinetic System”, Model. Anal. Inform. Sist., 20:1 (2013), 99–106 |
21. |
A. Yu. Koverga, E. P. Kubyshkin, “Features of the behavior of solutions to a nonlinear dynamical system in the case of two-frequency parametric resonance”, Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 53:5 (2013), 737–743 ; Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 53:5 (2013), 573–579 |
2012 |
22. |
E. P. Kubishkin, O. A. Khrebtyugova, “A generalized solution of an initial boundary value problem arising in the mechanics of discrete-continuous systems”, Model. Anal. Inform. Sist., 19:1 (2012), 84–96 |
2011 |
23. |
A. Yu. Koverga, E. P. Kubishkin, “Chaotic oscillations of a distributed system with infinite delay”, Model. Anal. Inform. Sist., 18:1 (2011), 46–55 |
2009 |
24. |
V. I. Voytitsky, M. Yu. Zlobina, E. P. Kubyshkin, “About the spectral problem arising from robotic manipulator mechanics”, Model. Anal. Inform. Sist., 16:3 (2009), 22–28 |
2008 |
25. |
E. P. Kubishkin, A. Yu. Koverga, “Parametric excitation of chaotic oscillations in one second order differential equation with delay”, Model. Anal. Inform. Sist., 15:2 (2008), 67–71 |
2005 |
26. |
A. Yu. Koverga, E. P. Kubishkin, “Об одной математической модели полупроводникового лазера”, Matem. Mod. Kraev. Zadachi, 2 (2005), 127–130 |
2004 |
27. |
M. Yu. Garnikhina, E. P. Kubishkin, “Отимальное управление одной динамической системой, возникающей в механике манипуляционных роботов”, Matem. Mod. Kraev. Zadachi, 2 (2004), 56–57 |
1997 |
28. |
O. V. Kostenko, E. P. Kubyshkin, “Chaotic attractors of a boundary value problem in the mechanics of elastic systems”, Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 37:8 (1997), 999–1005 ; Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 37:8 (1997), 967–973 |
1995 |
29. |
O. V. Kostenko, E. P. Kubishkin, “Chaotic oscillations in distributed kinetic systems when circular symmetry is disturbed”, Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 35:4 (1995), 624–631 ; Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 35:4 (1995), 495–500 |
1989 |
30. |
E. P. Kubishkin, “The method of infinite-dimensional normalization in the investigation of self-oscillatory solutions of a class of singularly perturbed boundary value problems”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 306:5 (1989), 1041–1045 ; Dokl. Math., 39:3 (1989), 573–577 |
31. |
E. P. Kubishkin, “Self-oscillatory solutions of a class of singularly perturbed boundary value problems”, Differ. Uravn., 25:4 (1989), 674–685 ; Differ. Equ., 25:4 (1989), 464–472 |
1986 |
32. |
E. P. Kubishkin, “Parametric excitation of spatially inhomogeneous waves in
distributed kinetic systems”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 289:2 (1986), 273–277 |
33. |
E. P. Kubishkin, “Bifurcation of periodic solutions in the critical case of two pairs of purely imaginary roots in the presence of higher resonances”, Differ. Uravn., 22:10 (1986), 1693–1697 |
Organisations |