01.01.06 (Mathematical logic, algebra, and number theory)
computable copies of structures and relations, spectra of Boolean algebras and linear orders.
510.53, 512.562, 510.57, 512.565, 510.5, 510.6
Computability theory and computable model theory.
Main publications:
A. N. Frolov, “Lineinye poryadki nizkoi stepeni”, Sib. matem. zhurn., 51:5 (2010), 1147–1162
Frolov A.N., “Low linear orderings”, Journal of Logic and Computation, 22:4 (2012), 745-754
A. N. Frolov, “Predstavleniya otnosheniya sosedstva vychislimogo lineinogo poryadka”, Izv. vuzov. Matem., 2010, № 7, 73–85
A. N. Frolov, “Vychislimaya predstavimost schetnykh lineinykh poryadkov”, Itogi nauki i tekhn. Ser. Sovrem. mat. i ee pril. Temat. obz., 158 (2018), 81–115
M. V. Zubkov, A. N. Frolov, “Vychislimye lineinye poryadki i predelno monotonnye funktsii”, Itogi nauki i tekhn. Ser. Sovrem. mat. i ee pril. Temat. obz., 157 (2018), 70–105
Y. A. Michailovskaya, A. N. Frolov, “Computable linear orders and the Ershov hierarchy”, Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Mat., 2022, no. 1, 85–89; Russian Math. (Iz. VUZ), 66:1 (2022), 71–74
M. V. Zubkov, A. N. Frolov, “Spectral universality of linear orders with one binary relation”, Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 61:3 (2020), 587–593; Siberian Math. J., 61:3 (2020), 463–467
M. V. Zubkov, I. Sh. Kalimullin, A. G. Mel'nikov, A. N. Frolov, “Punctual copies of algebraic structures”, Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 60:6 (2019), 1271–1285; Siberian Math. J., 60:6 (2019), 993–1002
A. N. Frolov, “Computable presentability of countable linear orders”, Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki. Sovrem. Mat. Pril. Temat. Obz., 158 (2018), 81–115; J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 256:2 (2021), 199–233
I. Sh. Kalimullin, V. L. Selivanov, A. N. Frolov, “Degree spectra of structures”, Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki. Sovrem. Mat. Pril. Temat. Obz., 158 (2018), 23–39; J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 256:2 (2021), 143–159
M. V. Zubkov, A. N. Frolov, “Computable linear orders and limitwise monotonic functions”, Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki. Sovrem. Mat. Pril. Temat. Obz., 157 (2018), 70–105; J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 256:1 (2021), 61–95
Ya. A. Mikhailovskaya, A. N. Frolov, “Computable linear orders and the Ershov hierarchy”, Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Mat., 2018, no. 1, 67–74; Russian Math. (Iz. VUZ), 62:1 (2018), 58–64
N. A. Bazhenov, A. N. Frolov, I. Sh. Kalimullin, A. G. Melnikov, “Computability of distributive lattices”, Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 58:6 (2017), 1236–1251; Siberian Math. J., 58:6 (2017), 959–970
A. N. Frolov, “On a computable presentation of low linear orders”, Uchenye Zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta. Seriya Fiziko-Matematicheskie Nauki, 159:4 (2017), 518–528
R. I. Bikmukhametov, M. S. Eryashkin, A. N. Frolov, “Degree spectra of the block relation of $1$-computable linear orders”, Uchenye Zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta. Seriya Fiziko-Matematicheskie Nauki, 159:3 (2017), 296–305
A. N. Frolov, “A note on $\Delta_2^0$-spectra of linear orderings and degree spectra of the successor relation”, Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Mat., 2013, no. 11, 74–78; Russian Math. (Iz. VUZ), 57:11 (2013), 65–68
A. N. Frolov, “Presentations of the successor relation of computably linear ordering”, Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Mat., 2010, no. 7, 73–85; Russian Math. (Iz. VUZ), 54:7 (2010), 64–74
P. E. Alaev, J. Thurber, A. N. Frolov, “Computability on linear orderings enriched with predicates”, Algebra Logika, 48:5 (2009), 549–563; Algebra and Logic, 48:5 (2009), 313–320
A. N. Frolov, “SET-1 reducibility in the class of computable sets”, Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Mat., 2006, no. 8, 69–75; Russian Math. (Iz. VUZ), 50:8 (2006), 65–70
A. N. Frolov, “Set-theoretic reducibilities in a lattice of sets”, Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Mat., 2006, no. 1, 57–67; Russian Math. (Iz. VUZ), 50:1 (2006), 55–64