Mathematical modeling.
Theory and computational methods of optimization modeling.
Grid- and distributed computing systems
Main publications:
Voloshinov V. V., Levitin E. S. Priblizhennaya globalnaya minimizatsiya nevypuklykh funktsii, blizkikh k vypuklym. // "Zhurnal vychislitelnoi matematiki i matematicheskoi fiziki", t. 37, # 7 (1997). S. 771–784.
Voloshinov V. V., Levitin E. S. Priblizhennyi poisk globalnogo minimuma v zadachakh matematicheskogo programmirovaniya, blizkikh k vypuklym // "Zhurnal vychislitelnoi matematiki i matematicheskoi fiziki", t. 39, # 3 (1999), s. 386–418.
Voloshinov V. V., Levitin E. S. Postroenie priblizhennykh reshenii v zadachakh matematicheskogo programmirovaniya, blizkikh k vypuklym. Preprint. ISA RAN, Moskva, 1999. 88 s.
Aleshin A., Ankersen F., Vankov A., Voloshinov V., Wu S. Optimization of Spacecraft Thruster Management Function // AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, Vol. 28, No. 6, Nov.-Dec., 2005 pp. 1283–1290.
Chliaev P., Krivtsov V., Vankov A., Voloshinov V., etc. Cooperative Environments for Distributed Systems Engineering. LNCS 2236, Springer, 2001 ISBN 3-540-43083-0.
Afanasev A. P., Voloshinov V. V., Rogov S. V., Sukhoroslov O. V. Razvitie kontseptsii raspredelennykh vychislitelnykh sred // Problemy vychislenii v raspredelennoi srede: organizatsiya vychislenii v globalnykh setyakh. Trudy ISA RAN. - M.: ROKhOS, 2004, s. 6–105.
Afanasev A. P., Voloshinov V. V., Krivtsov V. E., Rogov S. V., Sukhoroslov O. V. Ispolzovanie informatsionno-algoritmicheskikh resursov dlya organizatsii raspredelennykh vychislenii // Problemy vychislenii v raspredelennoi srede: organizatsiya vychislenii v globalnykh setyakh. Trudy ISA RAN. - M.: ROKhOS, 2004, s. 106–144.
A. V. Sokolov, V. K. Bolondinsky, V. V. Voloshinov, “Technology of balanced identification for selection of pine transpiration mathematical model”, Mat. Biolog. Bioinform., 14:2 (2019), 665–682
V. V. Voloshinov, “A generalization of the Karush–Kuhn–Tucker theorem for approximate solutions of mathematical programming problems based on quadratic approximation”, Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 58:3 (2018), 383–396; Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 58:3 (2018), 364–377
V. V. Voloshinov, S. A. Smirnov, “Evaluation of a coarse-grained branch-and-bound algorithm in the Everest computing environment”, Program Systems: Theory and Applications, 8:1 (2017), 105–119
V. S. Neverov, P. A. Borisova, A. B. Kukushkin, V. V. Voloshinov, “Diffraction-based characterization of amorphous $\operatorname{sp}^2$ carbon: sensitivity to domain-like packing of nanostructures”, Nanosystems: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, 7:1 (2016), 226–233
S. A. Smirnov, V. V. Voloshinov, “Effective use of discrete optimization solvers in cloud infrastructure on the basis of heuristic decomposition of the initial problem by optimization modeling system AMPL”, Program Systems: Theory and Applications, 7:1 (2016), 29–46
S. A. Smirnov, V. V. Voloshinov, “Pre-decomposition of discrete optimization problems to speed up the branch and bound method in a distributed computing environment”, Computer Research and Modeling, 7:3 (2015), 719–725
V. V. Voloshinov, S. A. Smirnov, “Software integration in scientific computing”, Informatsionnye Tekhnologii i Vychslitel'nye Sistemy, 2012, no. 3, 66–71
V. V. Voloshinov, V. S. Neverov, “X-ray nanomaterial diffractometry data processing in the distributed environment of restful services”, Informatsionnye Tekhnologii i Vychslitel'nye Sistemy, 2011, no. 4, 10–20
A. P. Afanas'ev, V. V. Voloshinov, O. V. Sukhoroslov, “Интеграция инструментария IARnet с технологией ICE”, Informatsionnye Tekhnologii i Vychslitel'nye Sistemy, 2008, no. 1, 38–50
S. V. Emel'yanov, A. P. Afanas'ev, V. V. Voloshinov, Ya. R. Grinberg, V. E. Krivtsov, O. V. Sukhoroslov, “Реализация GRID-вычислений в среде IARnet”, Informatsionnye Tekhnologii i Vychslitel'nye Sistemy, 2005, no. 2, 61–75
V. V. Voloshinov, E. S. Levitin, “Approximate search for a global minimum in problems of mathematical programming that are close to convex”, Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 39:3 (1999), 386–417; Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 39:3 (1999), 365–396
V. V. Voloshinov, E. S. Levitin, “Approximate global minimization of nonconvex functions that are close to convex”, Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 37:7 (1997), 771–784; Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 37:7 (1997), 749–761
V. V. Voloshinov, “Construction of Continuous Demand Functions by the Methods of Economic Index Theory”, Avtomat. i Telemekh., 1996, no. 9, 158–166; Autom. Remote Control, 57:9 (1996), 1350–1356
V. V. Voloshinov, G. G. Kotkin, A. M. Tkach, “Approximation methods for problems of nonlinear programming”, Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 34:8-9 (1994), 1133–1149; Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 34:8-9 (1994), 977–990