Dicrete and convex geometry, with essential use of topological methods.
Main publications:
R.N. Karasev, “Transversals for the families of translates of a two-dimensional convex compact set”, Discrete and Computational Geometry, 24:2/3 (2000), 345–353
R.N. Karasev, “Tverberg's transversal conjecture and analogues of nonembeddability theorems for transversals”, Discrete and Computational Geometry, 38:3 (2007), 513–525
R.N. Karasev, “Periodic billiard trajectories in smooth convex bodies”, Geometric and Functional Analysis, 19:2 (2009), 423–428
R.N. Karasev, “The genus and the category of configuration spaces”, Topology and its Applications, 156:14 (2009), 2406–2415
V.L. Dol'nikov, R.N. Karasev, “Dvoretzky type theorems for multivariate polynomials and sections of convex bodies”, Geometric and Functional Analysis, 21:2 (2011), 301–318
R.N. Karasev, F.V. Petrov, “Partitions of nonzero elements of a finite field into pairs”, Israel Journal of Mathematics, 192 (2012), 143–156
R.N. Karasev, “A simpler proof of the Boros–Füredi–Bárány–Pach–Gromov theorem”, Discrete and Computational Geometry, 47:3 (2012), 492–495
R.N. Karasev, “An analogue of Gromov's waist theorem for coloring the cube”, Discrete and Computational Geometry, 2013
R. N. Karasev, “Протыкание семейства транслятов двумерного выпуклого тела”, Mat. Pros., Ser. 3, 24 (2019), 159–167
R. N. Karasev, “О разбиениях многогранника
на выпуклые части”, Mat. Pros., Ser. 3, 21 (2017), 224–234
Yu. I. Skalko, R. N. Karasev, A. V. Akopyan, I. V. Tsybulin, M. A. Mendel', “Space-marching algorithm for solving radiative transfer problem basedon short-characteristics method”, Computer Research and Modeling, 6:2 (2014), 203–215
R. N. Karasev, “Решение задачи про вписывание пятиугольника”, Mat. Pros., Ser. 3, 15 (2011), 206–211
R. N. Karasev, “Theorems of Borsuk-Ulam type for flats and common transversals of families of convex compact sets”, Mat. Sb., 200:10 (2009), 39–58; Sb. Math., 200:10 (2009), 1453–1471
R. N. Karasev, “Проективные преобразования, оставляющие на месте окружность”, Mat. Pros., Ser. 3, 8 (2004), 113–122
R. N. Karasev, “Задача об объеме симметризации выпуклого множества”, Mat. Pros., Ser. 3, 4 (2000), 181–187
R. N. Karasev, “On transversals of the family of translates of two-dimensional convex compact”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 252 (1998), 67–77; J. Math. Sci. (New York), 104:4 (2001), 1293–1300
M. V. Balashov, I. I. Bogdanov, R. N. Karasev, “Студенческие математические олимпиады МФТИ”, Mat. Pros., Ser. 3, 14 (2010), 214–224
О замкнутых бильярдных траекториях в гладких выпуклых телах R. N. Karasev Seminar of the Department of Geometry and Topology "Geometry, Topology and Mathematical Physics", Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS (Novikov Seminar) February 20, 2008