Publications in Math-Net.Ru |
Citations |
2009 |
1. |
A. D. Sukhanov, O. N. Golubeva, “Toward a quantum generalization of equilibrium statistical thermodynamics: $\hbar$–$k$ Dynamics”, TMF, 160:2 (2009), 370–384 ; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 160:2 (2009), 1177–1189 |
2008 |
2. |
A. D. Sukhanov, “A quantum generalization of equilibrium statistical thermodynamics:
Effective macroparameters”, TMF, 154:1 (2008), 183–196 ; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 154:1 (2008), 153–164 |
2006 |
3. |
A. D. Sukhanov, “Schrödinger uncertainty relation for a quantum oscillator in a thermostat”, TMF, 148:2 (2006), 295–308 ; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 148:2 (2006), 1123–1134 |
4. |
A. D. Sukhanov, Yu. G. Rudoi, “One of Gibbs's ideas that has gone unnoticed (comment on chapter IX of his classic book)”, UFN, 176:5 (2006), 551–555 ; Phys. Usp., 49:5 (2006), 531–535 |
2004 |
5. |
A. D. Sukhanov, “The Generalized “Position–Momentum” Uncertainty Relation in Quantum Mechanics and in the Theory of Brownian Motion”, TMF, 139:1 (2004), 129–144 ; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 139:1 (2004), 557–570 |
2003 |
6. |
A. I. Oksak, A. D. Sukhanov, “Representation of Quantum Brownian Motion in the Collective Coordinate Method”, TMF, 136:1 (2003), 115–147 ; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 136:1 (2003), 994–1021 |
7. |
V. I. Sanyuk, A. D. Sukhanov, “Dirac in 20th century physics: a centenary assessment”, UFN, 173:9 (2003), 965–984 ; Phys. Usp., 46:9 (2003), 937–956 |
2002 |
8. |
A. D. Sukhanov, “Schrödinger Uncertainty Relations and Physical Features of Correlated-Coherent States”, TMF, 132:3 (2002), 449–468 ; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 132:3 (2002), 1277–1294 |
2000 |
9. |
A. D. Sukhanov, “Generalized energy–time uncertainty relation”, TMF, 125:2 (2000), 221–241 ; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 125:2 (2000), 1489–1505 |
10. |
A. G. Bashkirov, A. D. Sukhanov, “Entropy of open quantum systems and the Poisson distribution”, TMF, 123:1 (2000), 107–115 ; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 123:1 (2000), 504–510 |
11. |
Yu. G. Rudoi, A. D. Sukhanov, “Thermodynamic fluctuations within the Gibbs and Einstein approaches”, UFN, 170:12 (2000), 1265–1296 ; Phys. Usp., 43:12 (2000), 1169–1199 |
1998 |
12. |
A. I. Oksak, A. D. Sukhanov, “The “free” quantum Brownian particle as a non-Fock linear bosonic system”, TMF, 116:2 (1998), 201–214 ; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 116:2 (1998), 896–906 |
1984 |
13. |
B. V. Medvedev, V. P. Pavlov, M. K. Polivanov, A. D. Sukhanov, “Analytic properties of multiparticle production amplitudes”, TMF, 59:2 (1984), 163–182 ; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 59:2 (1984), 427–440 |
1982 |
14. |
B. V. Medvedev, V. P. Pavlov, M. K. Polivanov, A. D. Sukhanov, “Analytic properties of many-particle amplitudes”, TMF, 52:2 (1982), 163–176 ; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 52:2 (1982), 723–732 |
1979 |
15. |
A. A. Logunov, B. V. Medvedev, L. M. Muzafarov, V. P. Pavlov, M. K. Polivanov, A. D. Sukhanov, “Analytic structure of the $3\to3$ forward amplitude”, TMF, 40:2 (1979), 179–193 ; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 40:2 (1979), 677–687 |
1977 |
16. |
A. A. Logunov, B. V. Medvedev, M. A. Mestvirishvili, V. P. Pavlov, M. K. Polivanov, A. D. Sukhanov, “Dispersion relation for $3\to 3$ forward amplitude and generalized optical theorem”, TMF, 33:2 (1977), 149–173 ; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 33:2 (1977), 936–952 |
1975 |
17. |
B. V. Medvedev, A. D. Sukhanov, “$T$-products in Bogolubov's axiomatics”, Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklov., 135 (1975), 198–200 |
18. |
B. V. Medvedev, V. P. Pavlov, M. K. Polivanov, A. D. Sukhanov, “The method of the augmented $S$-matrix in quantum field theory”, Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklov., 135 (1975), 186–197 |
1972 |
19. |
B. V. Medvedev, V. P. Pavlov, M. K. Polivanov, A. D. Sukhanov, “Method of extended $S$-matrix in quantum field theory”, TMF, 13:1 (1972), 3–40 ; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 13:1 (1972), 939–964 |
1971 |
20. |
B. V. Medvedev, V. P. Pavlov, A. D. Sukhanov, “Lagrangian and $S$ matrix”, TMF, 8:2 (1971), 153–160 ; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 8:2 (1971), 737–742 |
1970 |
21. |
V. P. Pavlov, S. V. Svechnikov, A. D. Sukhanov, “Scalar electrodynamics and the theory of a neutral vector field in the dispersion approach”, TMF, 3:1 (1970), 57–71 ; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 3:1 (1971), 341–351 |
1965 |
22. |
B. V. Medvedev, A. D. Sukhanov, “The $S$ matrix in the Heisenberg representation”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 165:2 (1965), 305–308 |
23. |
D. A. Slavnov, A. D. Sukhanov, “On Borchers' class of the interacting fields”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 165:1 (1965), 69–72 |
1964 |
24. |
A. A. Ovchinnikov, A. D. Sukhanov, “On the wave functions and electron terms of a molecular hydrogen ion”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 157:5 (1964), 1092–1095 |
1962 |
25. |
A. D. Sukhanov, “On surface divergences”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 145:5 (1962), 1042–1045 |
26. |
A. D. Sukhanov, “On the connection between operators in the Heisenberg and interaction representations”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 145:3 (1962), 545–548 |
2007 |
27. |
V. I. Arnol'd, V. S. Vladimirov, V. V. Kozlov, E. F. Mishchenko, Yu. S. Osipov, B. E. Paton, A. N. Sisakyan, A. D. Sukhanov, L. D. Faddeev, K. V. Frolov, “Yurii Alekseevich Mitropol'skii (on his 90th birthday)”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 62:4(376) (2007), 179–185 ; Russian Math. Surveys, 62:4 (2007), 829–835 |
28. |
V. V. Adushkin, S. I. Anisimov, N. V. Vdovichenko, A. V. Vityazev, V. G. Kadyshevskii, A. A. Kirsh, O. N. Golubeva, G. V. Pechernikova, N. M. Plakida, A. D. Sukhanov, E. E. Tareeva, Yu. A. Tserkovnikov, “In memory of Andrei Grigor'evich Bashkirov”, UFN, 177:3 (2007), 341–342 ; Phys. Usp., 50:3 (2007), 325–326 |
1992 |
29. |
O. I. Zavialov, D. N. Zubarev, B. V. Medvedev, S. P. Novikov, V. P. Pavlov, A. K. Pogrebkov, A. A. Slavnov, A. D. Sukhanov, L. D. Faddeev, S. S. Horuzhy, D. V. Shirkov, “Mikhail Konstantinovich Polivanov (Obituary)”, UFN, 162:7 (1992), 183–186 ; Phys. Usp., 35:7 (1992), 623–625 |
1972 |
30. |
A. D. Sukhanov, “Метод возмущений в аксиоматической теории поля”, UFN, 107:4 (1972), 715–716 |
1971 |
31. |
V. P. Pavlov, A. D. Sukhanov, “Слабые взаимодействия”, UFN, 105:1 (1971), 168–172 |
Presentations in Math-Net.Ru |
1. |
Модификация квантовой механики при конечных температурах A. D. Sukhanov
Seminar of the Department of Mathematical Physics, Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS April 29, 2010 11:00
2. |
Модификация квантовой механики при конечных температурах A. D. Sukhanov
Seminar of the Department of Theoretical Physics, Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS March 17, 2010 14:00
3. |
К квантовому обобщению статистической термодинамики A. D. Sukhanov
Seminar of the Department of Mathematical Physics, Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS November 1, 2007 11:00
4. |
К теории квантово-тепловых флюктуаций в термополевой динамике A. D. Sukhanov
Seminar of the Department of Theoretical Physics, Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS September 13, 2006
5. |
Обобщенные соотношения неопределенностей и их применения A. D. Sukhanov
Seminar of the Department of Mathematical Physics, Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS March 31, 2005
Organisations |