Savelov, M P

Statistics Math-Net.Ru
Total publications: 22
Scientific articles: 22
Presentations: 3

Number of views:
This page:1202
Abstract pages:4634
Full texts:971
Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences
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List of publications on ZentralBlatt

Publications in Math-Net.Ru Citations
1. M. P. Savelov, “The limit joint distributions of statistics of tests of the NIST package and their generalizations”, Diskr. Mat., 36:2 (2024),  71–116  mathnet
2. M. P. Savelov, “Power of the test based on joint application of «Monobit Test», «Frequency Test within a Block» and a generalization of «Approximate Entropy Test»”, Diskr. Mat., 36:1 (2024),  67–102  mathnet 1
3. M. P. Savelov, “Analogue of the Neyman–Pearson lemma for several simple hypotheses”, Teor. Veroyatnost. i Primenen., 69:3 (2024),  496–510  mathnet
4. M. P. Savelov, “Two-sided estimates for the sum of probabilities of errors in the multiple hypotheses testing problem with finite number of hypotheses about a nonhomogeneous sample”, Teor. Veroyatnost. i Primenen., 69:2 (2024),  405–416  mathnet; Theory Probab. Appl., 69:2 (2024), 322–330
5. M. P. Savelov, “Power of the test based on joint application of «Monobit Test», «Frequency Test within a Block» and «Serial Test»”, Diskr. Mat., 35:4 (2023),  79–114  mathnet 2
6. M. P. Savelov, “Limit joint distribution of «Approximate $\phi$-entropy test» statistics”, Diskr. Mat., 35:3 (2023),  60–70  mathnet 2
7. M. P. Savelov, “Limit joint distribution of «Monobit test», «Frequency Test within a Block», and «Approximate Entropy Test» Statistics”, Diskr. Mat., 35:2 (2023),  93–108  mathnet 4
8. M. P. Savelov, “Limit joint distribution of «Monobit test», «Frequency Test within a Block», and «Serial Test» Statistics”, Diskr. Mat., 35:1 (2023),  88–106  mathnet  mathscinet 5
9. M. P. Savelov, “On a Functional of the Number of Nonoverlapping Chains Appearing in the Polynomial Scheme and Its Connection with Entropy”, Mat. Zametki, 114:3 (2023),  390–403  mathnet  mathscinet; Math. Notes, 114:3 (2023), 339–350  scopus
10. M. P. Savelov, “Limit joint distribution of $U$-statistics, $M$-estimates, and sample quantiles”, Vestnik Moskov. Univ. Ser. 1. Mat. Mekh., 2023, no. 6,  9–16  mathnet  elib; Moscow University Mathematics Bulletin, 78:6 (2023), 259–268
11. M. P. Savelov, “Limit Joint Distribution of «Monobit test», «Frequency Test within a Block», and «Binary Matrix Rank Test» Statistics”, Diskr. Mat., 34:4 (2022),  84–98  mathnet  mathscinet 6
12. M. P. Savelov, “Limit Joint Distribution of «Monobit test», «Frequency Test within a Block», and «Test for the Longest Run of Ones in a Block» Statistics”, Diskr. Mat., 34:3 (2022),  70–84  mathnet 7
13. M. P. Savelov, “Limit theorem for a smoothed version of the spectral test for testing the equiprobability of a binary sequence”, Diskr. Mat., 33:4 (2021),  132–140  mathnet; Discrete Math. Appl., 33:5 (2023), 317–323 8
14. M. P. Savelov, “The limit joint distributions of statistics of three tests of the NIST package”, Diskr. Mat., 33:3 (2021),  92–106  mathnet; Discrete Math. Appl., 33:4 (2023), 247–257 9
15. M. P. Savelov, “The limit joint distributions of statistics of four tests of the NIST package”, Diskr. Mat., 33:2 (2021),  141–154  mathnet; Discrete Math. Appl., 33:1 (2023), 55–64 11
16. M. P. Savelov, “Group service system with three queues and load balancing”, Diskr. Mat., 32:4 (2020),  103–119  mathnet  mathscinet; Discrete Math. Appl., 32:4 (2022), 219–231
17. M. P. Savelov, “A family of asymptotically independent statistics in polynomial scheme containing the Pearson statistic”, Diskr. Mat., 32:3 (2020),  76–84  mathnet  mathscinet; Discrete Math. Appl., 32:1 (2022), 39–45
18. M. P. Savelov, “Two-stage chi-square test and two-dimensional distributions of a Bessel process”, Teor. Veroyatnost. i Primenen., 65:4 (2020),  841–850  mathnet; Theory Probab. Appl., 65:4 (2021), 665–672  isi
19. M. P. Savelov, “Gittins index for simple family of Markov bandit processes with switching cost and no discounting”, Teor. Veroyatnost. i Primenen., 64:3 (2019),  442–455  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath  elib; Theory Probab. Appl., 64:3 (2019), 355–364  isi  scopus 1
20. M. P. Savelov, “Limit distributions of the Pearson statistics for nonhomogeneous polynomial scheme”, Diskr. Mat., 29:4 (2017),  121–129  mathnet  elib; Discrete Math. Appl., 29:4 (2019), 233–239  isi
21. A. M. Zubkov, M. P. Savelov, “Convergence of the sequence of the Pearson statistics values to the normalized square of the Bessel process”, Diskr. Mat., 28:3 (2016),  49–58  mathnet  mathscinet  elib; Discrete Math. Appl., 27:6 (2017), 405–411  isi  scopus 3
22. M. P. Savelov, “Extremal characteristics of tests for multiple hypotheses with given mutual total variation distances”, Teor. Veroyatnost. i Primenen., 61:3 (2016),  439–463  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath  elib; Theory Probab. Appl., 61:3 (2017), 442–461  isi  scopus 1

Presentations in Math-Net.Ru
1. Об одном функционале от числа непоявившихся цепочек в полиномиальной схеме специального вида и о двухэтапном критерии хи-квадрат
M. P. Savelov
Branching processes and discrete mathematics, a conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Sevastyanov's birth
October 3, 2023 16:40   
2. Предельные совместные распределения статистик, используемых при проверке качества генераторов случайных двоичных последовательностей
M. P. Savelov
Principle Seminar of the Department of Probability Theory, Moscow State University
May 3, 2023 16:45
3. Предельные совместные распределения статистик, используемых при проверке качества генераторов случайных двоичных последовательностей
M. P. Savelov
Seminar by Department of Discrete Mathematic, Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS
March 14, 2023 16:00

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