Образец цитирования:
В. Е. Куницын, Е. Д. Терещенко, Е. С. Андреева, И. А. Нестеров, “Спутниковое радиозондирование и радиотомография ионосферы”, УФН, 180:5 (2010), 548–553; Phys. Usp., 53:5 (2010), 523–528
Г. В. Голубков, А. А. Берлин, Ю. А. Дьяков, И. В. Карпов, А. А. Лушников, И. Г. Степанов, М. Г. Голубков, “Увеличение ошибок позиционирования с ростом мощности сигнала глобальных навигационных cпутниковых систем”, Himičeskaâ fizika, 42:10 (2023), 64
G. V. Golubkov, A. A Berlin, Y. A. Dyakov, I. V. Karpov, A. A. Lushnikov, I. G. Stepanov, M. G. Golubkov, “Growth of Positioning Errors with Increasing Signal Power of Global Navigation Satellite Systems”, Russ. J. Phys. Chem. B, 17:5 (2023), 1216
M. Yu. Kokurin, A. E. Nedopekin, “Iteratively regularized Gauss–Newton method in the inverse problem of ionospheric radiosonding”, Сиб. электрон. матем. изв., 18:2 (2021), 1153–1164
Andreeva E.S., Nazarenko M.O., Nesterov I.A., Padokhin A.M., Tereshin N.A., Tumanova Yu.S., “Local Estimation of Ionospheric Parameters From Single-Station Observations of Low-Orbiting Beacon Satellites”, Radiophys. Quantum Electron., 63:11 (2021), 848–861
Kokurin M.Yu., Nedopekin A.E., Semenova A.V., “Projected Finite Dimensional Iteratively Regularized Gauss-Newton Method With a Posteriori Stopping For the Ionospheric Radiotomography Problem”, Inverse Probl. Sci. Eng., 29:13 (2021), 2447–2469
Belov A.S., “Simulation of Large-Scale Disturbances of the Near-Earth Plasma Affected By High-Power High-Frequency Radio Waves From the Sura Heating Facility”, Radiophys. Quantum Electron., 64:6 (2021), 388–400
Yasyukevich Yu.V. Syrovatskiy S.V. Padokhin A.M. Frolov V.L. Vesnin A.M. Zatolokin D.A. Kurbatov G.A. Zagretdinov R.V. Pershin A.V. Yasyukevich A.S., “Gps Positioning Accuracy in Different Modes With Active Forcing on the Ionosphere From the Sura High-Power Hf Radiation”, Radiophys. Quantum Electron., 62:12 (2020), 807–819
Andreeva E.S., Nazarenko M.O., Padokhin A.M., Tumanova Yu.S., Tereshin N.A., 2020 Xxxiiird General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science, IEEE, 2020
Andreeva E.S., Nazarenko M.O., Padokhin A.M., Tereshin N.A., Tumanova Yu.S., “Structural Diversity of the Ionosphere At High and Middle Latitudes in the Eastern and Western Hemispheres as Observed By Satellite Radio Tomography”, Proceedings of Spie, 11560, eds. Matvienko G., Romanovskii O., Spie-Int Soc Optical Engineering, 2020, 115608W
Elena S. Andreeva, Marina O. Nazarenko, Artem M. Padokhin, Yulia S. Tumanova, Nikita A. Tereshin, 2020 XXXIIIrd General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science, 2020, 1
Banshchikova M.A., Popandopulo N.A., “Numerical Modeling of Overlaps of Visibility Zones of Auroral Imagers From Space Vehicles in the Earth Polar Zones”, Russ. Phys. J., 62:3 (2019), 491–498
Padokhin A.M., Andreeva E.S., Nazarenko M.O., Annenkov M.A., Tereshin N.A., “Modeling the Hf Ray Trajectories and Vertical and Oblique Ionograms in the Artificially Disturbed Ionosphere Based on Radiotomographic Data”, Mosc. Univ. Phys. Bull., 74:3 (2019), 282–290
Spiridonov A.A., Ushakov V D., Saechnikov V.A., “Simulation of Navigation Receiver For Ultra-Small Satellite”, DEVICES METHODS MEAS., 10:4 (2019), 331–340
Kotova D.S., Ovodenko V.B., Yasyukevich V Yu., Klimenko V M., Ratovsky K.G., Mylnikova A.A., Andreevas E.S., Kozlovsky A.E., Korenkova N.A., Nesterov I.A., Tumanova Yu.S., “Efficiency of Updating the Ionospheric Models Using Total Electron Content At Mid- and Sub-Auroral Latitudes”, GPS Solut., 24:1 (2019), 25
Andreeva E.S., Tereshchenko E.D., Nazarenko M.O., Nesterov I.A., Padokhin A.M., Tumanova Yu.S., “The Use of Satellite Radio Tomography Data in the Problems of Estimating the Degree of Perturbation of Ionospheric Plasma”, 2019 Russian Open Conference on Radio Wave Propagation (Rwp), Vol 1, IEEE, 2019, 135–138
Kogogin D. Nasyrov I. Shindin A. Maksimov D. Grach S. Dementiev V. Zagretdinov R., “The Structure and Dynamics of the Hf-Pumped Ionosphere Based on a Joint Analysis of the Artificial Airglow Spots and Two-Dimensional Maps of the Total Electron Content”, 2019 Russian Open Conference on Radio Wave Propagation (Rwp), Vol 1, IEEE, 2019, 300–303
Dyomin D., Terent'ev M., Chubinsky N., “Using Space Apparatus For Sensing of TOP Ionosphere”, 2019 Russian Open Conference on Radio Wave Propagation (Rwp), Vol 1, IEEE, 2019, 426–429
Andreeva E.S., Nazarenko M.O., Nesterov I.A., Padokhin A.M., Tereshin N.A., Tumanova Yu.S., “Possibilities of Satellite Radio Tomography and Related Products For Studying the Ionospheric Structures in Various Geophysical Conditions”, 2019 Photonics & Electromagnetics Research Symposium - Spring (Piers-Spring), Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, IEEE, 2019, 1849–1855
E. S. Andreeva, M. O. Nazarenko, I. A. Nesterov, A. M. Padokhin, N. A. Tereshin, Yu. S. Tumanova, 2019 PhotonIcs & Electromagnetics Research Symposium - Spring (PIERS-Spring), 2019, 1849
Zakharov V.I., “Radio Emission of the High-Latitude Ionosphere as a Result of the Cutoff Mode of the Auroral Ionospheric Duct”, J. Commun. Technol. Electron., 63:8 (2018), 858–863