Образец цитирования:
Б. В. Сомов, “Новые теоретические представления о солнечных вспышках”, УФН, 145:3 (1985), 532–535; Phys. Usp., 28:3 (1985), 271–272
PengFei Chen, JiangTao Su, Yang Guo, YuanYong Deng, “Where do flare ribbons stop?”, Chin. Sci. Bull., 57:12 (2012), 1393
B. V. Somov, “Interpretation of the observed motions of hard X-ray sources in solar flares”, Astron. Lett., 36:7 (2010), 514
Jingxiu Wang, Meng Zhao, Guiping Zhou, “MAGNETIC CHANGES IN THE COURSE OF THE X7.1 SOLAR FLARE ON 2005 JANUARY 20”, ApJ, 690:1 (2009), 862
O. G. Den, “Localization of magnetic reconnection from the differential characteristics of magnetic fields”, Astron. Rep., 51:2 (2007), 161
B. V. Somov, “Current state of the problem of solar flares: New observations and new models”, Sol Syst Res, 40:2 (2006), 85
B.V. Somov, T. Kosugi, S.A. Bogachev, T. Sakao, S. Masuda, “Motion of the HXR sources in solar flares: Yohkoh images and statistics”, Advances in Space Research, 35:10 (2005), 1700
B.V. Somov, A.V. Oreshina, I.V. Oreshina, N.I. Shakura, “Flares in accretion disk coronae”, Advances in Space Research, 32:6 (2003), 1087
B.V. Somov, T. Kosugi, H.S. Hudson, T. Sakao, S. Masuda, “Modeling large solar flares”, Advances in Space Research, 32:12 (2003), 2439
Boris V. Somov, Takeo Kosugi, Hugh S. Hudson, Taro Sakao, Satoshi Masuda, “Magnetic Reconnection Scenario of the Bastille Day 2000 Flare”, ApJ, 579:2 (2002), 863
B. V. Somov, A. I. Verneta, “Tearing instability of reconnecting current sheets in space plasmas”, Space Sci Rev, 65:3-4 (1993), 253
V. S. Gorbachev, B. V. Somov, “Photospheric vortex flows as a cause for two-ribbon flares: A topological model”, Sol Phys, 117:1 (1988), 77
B. V. Somov, A. I. Verneta, “Magnetic reconnection in high-temperature plasma of solar flares”, Sol Phys, 117:1 (1988), 89
Boris V. Somov, “Energy release in flares”, Advances in Space Research, 6:6 (1986), 177