Обсуждаются соотношения подобия для низкотемпературных газовых разрядов с малой степенью ионизации, получаемые из требования инвариантности уравнений Больцмана (Π-подобие) и уравнений поля (Π-подобие). Определены условия, когда эти соотношения взаимно совместимы и в разряде выполняется полное подобие. Библиогр. ссылок 9.
Поступила:22 января 1991 г. Доработана: 12 мая 1991 г.
Образец цитирования:
А. А. Рухадзе, Н. Н. Соболев, В. В. Соковиков, “Подобие низкотемпературных неизотермических разрядов”, УФН, 161:9 (1991), 195–199; Phys. Usp., 34:9 (1991), 827–829
Bocong Zheng, Yangyang Fu, Keliang Wang, Huihui Wang, Long Chen, Thomas Schuelke, Qi Hua Fan, “Scale-invariant breathing oscillations and transition of the electron energization mechanism in magnetized discharges”, Applied Physics Letters, 124:19 (2024)
Yangyang Fu, Huihui Wang, Xinxin Wang, “Similarity theory and scaling laws for low-temperature plasma discharges: a comprehensive review”, Rev. Mod. Plasma Phys., 7:1 (2023)
Huihui Wang, Dong Yang, Bocong Zheng, John P. Verboncoeur, Yangyang Fu, “Similarity-based scaling networks for capacitive radio frequency discharge plasmas”, AIP Advances, 13:9 (2023)
Fu Ya. Wang H. Zheng B. Zhang P. Fan Q.H. Wang X. Verboncoeur J.P., “Generalizing Similarity Laws For Radio-Frequency Discharge Plasmas Across Nonlinear Transition Regimes”, Phys. Rev. Appl., 16:5 (2021), 054016
Yangyang Fu, Peng Zhang, John P Verboncoeur, Xinxin Wang, “Electrical breakdown from macro to micro/nano scales: a tutorial and a review of the state of the art”, Plasma Res. Express, 2:1 (2020), 013001
Yangyang Fu, Bocong Zheng, De-Qi Wen, Peng Zhang, Qi Hua Fan, John P. Verboncoeur, “Similarity law and frequency scaling in low-pressure capacitive radio frequency plasmas”, Applied Physics Letters, 117:20 (2020)
Yangyang Fu, Bocong Zheng, Peng Zhang, Qi Hua Fan, John P. Verboncoeur, Xinxin Wang, “Similarity of capacitive radio-frequency discharges in nonlocal regimes”, Physics of Plasmas, 27:11 (2020)
Yangyang Fu, Janez Krek, Deqi Wen, Peng Zhang, John P Verboncoeur, “Transition of low-temperature plasma similarity laws from low to high ionization degree regimes”, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol., 28:9 (2019), 095012
Yangyang Fu, John P. Verboncoeur, “On the Similarities of Low-Temperature Plasma Discharges”, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., 47:5 (2019), 1994
U. Yusupalieva, N. N. Sysoevb, “Shock wave similarity invariants. I. Convergence laws of spherical and cylindrical shock waves in a constant-density gas”, Bull. Lebedev Phys. Inst., 41:2 (2014), 31
O. V. Bolotov, V. I. Golota, B. B. Kadolin, V. I. Karas', V. N. Ostroushko, L. M. Zavada, A. Yu. Shulika, “Similarity laws for cathode-directed streamers in gaps with an inhomogeneous field at elevated air pressures”, Plasma Phys. Rep., 36:11 (2010), 1000
U. Yusupaliev, “Dimensionless similarity invariants and criteria of cylindrical Z-pinch compression regimes in a gas”, Bull. Lebedev Phys. Inst., 36:6 (2009), 175