Образец цитирования:
В. В. Овчинников, “Радиационно-динамические эффекты. Возможности формирования уникальных структурных состояний и свойств конденсированных сред”, УФН, 178:9 (2008), 991–1001; Phys. Usp., 51:9 (2008), 955–964
V. L. Vorob'ev, V. S. Gladysheva, P. V. Bykov, S. G. Bystrov, I. N. Klimova, A. V. Syugaev, A. A. Kolotov, V. Ya. Bayankin, “Effect of Alternating Irradiation with О+ and N+ Ions on the Composition, Structure, and Electrochemical Properties of a Ti–Al–V Alloy”, Phys. Metals Metallogr., 125:5 (2024), 535
Yu. I. Tyurin, V. V. Larionov, “Study of Hydrogen Migration in Titanium Using a Vortex Electromagnetic Field and Accelerated Electrons in Subthreshold Values”, Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ, 2024, № 5, 35
V. L. Vorob'ev, V. S. Gladysheva, P. V. Bykov, S. G. Bystrov, I. N. Klimova, A. V. Syugaev, А. А. Kolotov, V. Ya. Bayankin, “Effect of alternate irradiation with O<sup>+</sup> and n<sup>+</sup> ions on the composition, structure, and electrochemical properties of a Ti–Al–V alloy”, Fizika metallov i metallovedenie, 125:5 (2024), 603
A. V. Markidonov, M. D. Starostenkov, D. A. Lubyanoi, P. V. Zakharov, V. N. Lipunov, “Modeling of Healing Cylindrical Cavities Exposed to Shock Waves in Crystal Subjected to Shear Deformation”, Steel Transl., 52:2 (2022), 208
Averkiev I.K., Bakieva O.R., Nemtsova O.M., Kolotov A.A., Gil'mutdinov F.Z., “Changes in the Chemical Compound and Local Atomic Structure of Ultrathin Surface Layers of FE Due to Implantation of Argon and Oxygen Ions”, Appl. Surf. Sci., 539 (2021), 148243
Ovchinnikov V.V., Makarov E.V., Gushchina N.V., “Structural-and-Phase Transformations in FE-4.10 and 7.25 At.% Mn Alloys Under Intensity External Actions”, Metals, 11:11 (2021), 1667
Bykov V P., Bayankin V.Y., Tcherdyntsev V.V., Vorob'ev V.L., Pechina E.A., Sviridova T.A., Shushkov A.A., Chukavin I A., Alexandrova S.S., “Effect of Aluminum Ion Irradiation on Chemical and Phase Composition of Surface Layers of Rolled Aisi 321 Stainless Steel”, Metals, 11:11 (2021), 1706
Ovchinnikov V.V., “On the Assessment of Radiation Resistance of Materials in Imitation Experiments”, Russ. Phys. J., 63:12 (2021), 2085–2101
G.P. Gaidar, M.B. Pinkovska, M.I. Starchyk, “The ordering effects of an n-Si defect structure, induced by high fluences of ions with MeV energies”, Dopov. Nac. akad. nauk Ukr., 2021, no. 1, 39
A. V. Markidonov, M. D. Starostenkov, D. A. Lubyanoi, P. V. Zakharov, V. N. Lipunov , “Modeling of healing pores of cylindrical form under the action of shock waves in a crystal subjected to shear deformation”, Izv. vysš. učebn. zaved., Čern. metall., 64:6 (2021), 427
Ghyngazov S., Poltavtseva V., Larionov A., Satpaev D., “Features of Changes in the Structure and Properties of Titanium Nickelide Irradiated With Mev Xenon Ions”, Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. Sect. B-Beam Interact. Mater. Atoms, 464 (2020), 23–27
Berezovskaya V.V., Savray R.A., Maslova V O., Ovehinnikov V.V., Gushchina V N., “Influence of Irradiation With Ar+ Ions on the Process of the Delayed Fracture of a Maraging Steel”, Phys. Metals Metallogr., 121:3 (2020), 291–297
Gushchina V N., Ovchinnikov V.V., Mozharovsky S.M., Kaigorodova I L., “Restoration of Plasticity of Cold-Deformed Aluminum Alloy By Short-Term Irradiation With Accelerated Ar+ Ions”, Surf. Coat. Technol., 389 (2020), 125504
Vorob'ev V.L., Gil'mutdinov F.Z., Syugaev V A., Bykov V P., Bayankin V.Ya., “The Formation of the Nanosized Surface Layers of a Titanium Alloy By Ion-Beam Mixing of Carbon With N(+)Ion Implantation”, Phys. Metals Metallogr., 121:5 (2020), 460–465
I. K. Averkiev, O. R. Bakieva, A. A. Kolotov, D. V. Surnin, V. V. Kriventsov, SYNCHROTRON AND FREE ELECTRON LASER RADIATION: Generation and Application (SFR-2020), 2299, SYNCHROTRON AND FREE ELECTRON LASER RADIATION: Generation and Application (SFR-2020), 2020, 080003
Gaidar G.P., Pinkovska M.B., Starchyk I M., “Radiation-Induced Effects in Silicon”, Probl. At. Sci. Technol., 2019, no. 5, 35–43
Markidonov V A., Starostenkov M.D., Zakharov V P., Lubyanoi D.A., Lipunov V.N., “Emission of Dislocation Loops From Nanovoids in An Fcc Crystal Subjected to Shear Deformation Under Post-Cascade Shock Waves”, J. Exp. Theor. Phys., 129:6 (2019), 985–989
Ovchinnikov V.V., Makarov E.V., Gushchina N.V., “Austenite Formation in Alpha-Phase FE-Mn Alloy After Cold Plastic Working and Fast Heating By An Ar+ Ion Beam to 299 Degrees C”, Phys. Metals Metallogr., 120:12 (2019), 1207–1212
Gushchina N.V., Ovchinnikov V.V., Makhin'ko F.F., Kaigorodova L.I., Mozharovsky S.M., 14Th International Conference Gas Discharge Plasmas and Their Applications, Journal of Physics Conference Series, 1393, IOP Publishing Ltd, 2019