Образец цитирования:
Ю. Е. Лозовик, А. М. Попов, “Свойства и нанотехнологические применения нанотрубок”, УФН, 177:7 (2007), 786–799; Phys. Usp., 50:7 (2007), 749–761
Nam-Chol Ri, Chung-Sim Kim, Sang-Ryol Ri, Su-Il Ri, “Enhancement of electronic and thermoelectric properties of armchair bilayer graphene nanoribbons by chemical derivation and strain”, Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 156 (2024), 115856
Ri N.-Ch., Kim J.-Ch., Ri S.-I., “Improvement of the Electronic and Transport Properties of Hybrid Bilayer Armchair Graphene Nanoribbon By Chemical Derivation and Out-Layer Strain: a First Principles Calculations”, Diam. Relat. Mat., 114 (2021), 108282
Rashba I G., “Diamagnetism of Electron Gas on Surface of Semiconductor Nanotube”, Acta Phys. Pol. A, 139:1 (2021), 66–69
Nguyen C.V., Hieu N.V., Nhan L.C., Phuc H.V., Ilyasov V.V., Hieu N.N., “First-Principles Study of Electronic Properties of Ab-Stacked Bilayer Armchair Graphene Nanoribbons Under Out-Plane Strain”, Indian J. Phys., 92:4 (2018), 447–452
Belolipetskii A.A., Lebedev N.G., “Dependence of the Dipole Moment of Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes of Chair Type on Their Length”, Russ. J. Phys. Chem. B, 12:1 (2018), 165–171
Г. Н. Макаров, “Лазерная ИК-фрагментация молекулярных кластеров: роль каналов ввода и релаксации энергии, влияние окружения, динамика фрагментации”, УФН, 187:3 (2017), 241–276; G. N. Makarov, “Laser IR fragmentation of molecular clusters: the role of channels for energy input and relaxation, the influence of surroundings, and the dynamics of fragmentation”, Phys. Usp., 60:3 (2017), 227–258
R. A. Brazhe, A. F. Savin, “Capacitance Sensors Based on Nanotube Supercondensers”, Russ Microelectron, 46:7 (2017), 506
Chuong Van Nguyen, Ilyasov V.V., Nguyen Van Hieu, Nguyen Ngoc Hieu, “Transport properties of armchair graphene nanoribbons under uniaxial strain: A first principles study”, Solid State Commun., 237 (2016), 10–13
Zhen-Bin Zhang, Ru-Juan Jia, Jasmina Tekić, Yang Yang, Cang-Long Wang, “Rectification and phase locking of graphite”, Front. Phys, 2015
A.M.. Popov, I.V.. Lebedeva, A.A.. Knizhnik, Yu.E.. Lozovik, N.A.. Poklonski, “Force and magnetic field sensor based on measurement of tunneling conductance between ends of coaxial carbon nanotubes”, Computational Materials Science, 92 (2014), 84
N.N.goc Hieu, N.V.an Hieu, “Peierls instability in (5,5) and (9,0) carbon nanotubes: Effect of torsional strain on band gap”, Phys. Status Solidi B, 2014, n/a
Marc Monthioux, Emmanuel Flahaut, Christophe Laurent, Walter Escoffier, Bertrand Raquet, Wolfgang Bacsa, Pascal Puech, Bruno Machado, Philippe Serp, Handbook of Nanomaterials Properties, 2014, 1
Ch. Guiderdoni, E. Pavlenko, V. Turq, A. Weibel, P. Puech, C. Estournès, A. Peigney, W. Bacsa, Ch. Laurent, “The preparation of carbon nanotube (CNT)/copper composites and the effect of the number of CNT walls on their hardness, friction and wear properties”, Carbon, 2013
Andrey M. Popov, Irina V. Lebedeva, Andrey A. Knizhnik, Yurii E. Lozovik, Boris V. Potapkin, “Ab initio study of edge effect on relative motion of walls in carbon nanotubes”, J. Chem. Phys, 138:2 (2013), 024703
Масленникова Т.П., Корыткова Э.Н., “Влияние физико-химических параметров синтеза на рост нанотрубок $Ni _{3}Si _{2}O _{5}(OH) _{4}$ и заполнение их растворами гидроксидов и хлоридов щелочных металлов”, Физика и химия стекла, 39:1 (2013), 99–107; T. P. Maslennikova, E. N. Korytkova, “Influence of synthesis of physicochemical parameters on growth of Ni3Si2O5(OH)4 nanotubes and their filling with solutions of hydroxides and chlorides of alkaline metals”, Glass Phys Chem, 39:1 (2013), 67
A. Kasperski, A. Weibel, D. Alkattan, C. Estournès, V. Turq, “Microhardness and friction coefficient of multi-walled carbon nanotube-yttria-stabilized ZrO2 composites prepared by spark plasma sintering”, Scripta Materialia, 2013
A.M. Popov, I.V.. Lebedeva, A.A.. Knizhnik, Yu.E.. Lozovik, Boris Potapkin, “Structure, Energetic and Tribological Properties and Possible Applications in NEMS of Argon-Separated Double-Layer Graphene”, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2013, 1305021318
Li Zh., Dong L., Tan X., “Dynamic Modeling and Control of a Nanotube-Based Linear Motor”, 2013 IEEE/Asme International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (Aim): Mechatronics for Human Wellbeing, IEEE Asme International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, IEEE, 2013, 850–855
Zhibin Li, Lixin Dong, Xiaobo Tan, 2013 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, 2013, 850