Образец цитирования:
А. В. Ипатов, “Радиоинтерферометр нового поколения для фундаментальных и прикладных исследований”, УФН, 183:7 (2013), 769–777; Phys. Usp., 56:7 (2013), 729–737
V. A. Stolyarov, Y. Y. Balega, M. G. Mingaliev, Y. V. Sotnikova, V. F. Vdovin, A. A. Gunbina, D. E. Kukushkin, M. A. Tarasov, M. Y. Fominsky, A. M. Chekushkin, V. S. Edelman, R. A. Yusupov, “Prospects of Millimeter Astronomy Development at the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SAO RAS)”, Astrophys. Bull., 79:2 (2024), 321
Yu. V. Vekshin, M. B. Zotov, A. S. Lavrov, I. A. Pozdnyakov, E. Yu. Khvostov, V. K. Chernov, “A Wideband Receiving System for a New-Generation Radio Interferometer”, Instrum Exp Tech, 66:3 (2023), 456
Ю. В. Векшин, М. Б. Зотов, А. С. Лавров, И. А. Поздняков, Е. Ю. Хвостов, В. К. Чернов, “ШИРОКОПОЛОСНАЯ ПРИЕМНАЯ СИСТЕМА ДЛЯ РАДИОИНТЕРФЕРОМЕТРА НОВОГО ПОКОЛЕНИЯ”, Pribory i tehnika èksperimenta, 2023, № 3, 98
I. A. Bezrukov, A. I. Salnikov, V. A. Yakovlev, A. V. Vylegzhanin, “An Analysis of the Reliability of a Software Failure-Safe Array in the Organization of Long-Term Storage of Radio Interferometry Data with Ultra-Long Bases”, Instrum Exp Tech, 65:2 (2022), 232
N. E. Kol'tso, S. A. Grenkov, L. V. Fedotov, “Comparison of Radio Interferometers with Analog and Digital Extraction of Recorded Signal”, Izv. vysš. učebn. zaved. Ross., Radioèlektron., 23:2 (2020), 6
Grenkov S.A., Kol'tsov N.E., “A Broadband Spectral Analyzer of Cosmic Radio Emissions”, Instrum. Exp. Tech., 62:5 (2019), 633–639
I. A. Bezrukov, A. I. Salnikov, V. A. Yakovlev, A. V. Vylegzhanin, “A data buffering and transmission system: a study of the performance of a disk subsystem”, Instrum. Exp. Tech., 61:4 (2018), 467–472
S. A. Grenkov, N. E. Kol'tsov, “A data stream converter for a radio telescope with a wideband-signal digital recording system”, Instrum. Exp. Tech., 61:4 (2018), 473–481
I. E. Arsaev, Yu. V. Vekshin, A. I. Lapshin, V. V. Mardyshkin, M. V. Sargsyan, E. Yu. Khvostov, V. K. Chernov, E. F. Yurchuk, “Measurements of noise temperatures of radio telescope receiver system of a two-element radio interferometer with very long baseline”, Meas. Tech., 61:3 (2018), 284–289
Yuriy V. Vekshin, Alexander P. Lavrov, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 10531, Internet of Things, Smart Spaces, and Next Generation Networks and Systems, 2017, 466
Vekshin Yu.V., Lavrov A.P., “The Allan Variance Usage for Stability Characterization of Weak Signal Receivers”, Internet of Things, Smart Spaces, and Next Generation Networks and Systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9870, eds. Galinina O., Balandin S., Koucheryavy Y., Springer Int Publishing Ag, 2016, 648–657
Chernov V.K., Ipatov A.V., Mardyshkin V.V., Ivanov S.I., Roev A.A., “Ultra-Wideband Feed For Radio Telescope of a New-Generation Radio Interferometric Network”, Internet of Things, Smart Spaces, and Next Generation Networks and Systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9247, eds. Balandin S., Andreev S., Koucheryavy Y., Springer-Verlag Berlin, 2015, 729–738
A.A. Kirilenko, A.O. Perov, V.N. Skresanov, S.A. Steshenko, V.V. Glamazdin, M.P. Natarov, A.I. Shubny, “Fultifrequency feed of reflector antenna for the radiotelescope cryogenic receiver focal block for the new generation VLBI2010 network: synthesis, design, experiment”, Kosm. nauka tehnol., 21:4(95) (2015), 24
A. M. Pylypenko, I. K. Sunduchkov, V. V. Chmil, V. M. Chmil, P. O. Yatsyk, “Radiometric receiving complex and ways to reduce the radiometric measurements error”, ТКЭА, 2015, № 5-6, 14
A. B. Ipatov, V. M. Chmil, V. M. Skresanov, D. V. Ivanov, V. V. Mardyshkin, V. K. Chernov, O. M. Pylypenko, A. A. Kirilenko, “CRYOGENIC RECEIVING FOCAL UNIT FOR TELESCOPES OF RADIOINTERFEROMETRIC COMPLEX OF NEW GENERATION”, Radio phys. radio astron., 19:1 (2014), 81