Образец цитирования:
В. Л. Братман, А. Г. Литвак, Е. В. Суворов, “Освоение терагерцевого диапазона: источники и приложения”, УФН, 181:8 (2011), 867–874; Phys. Usp., 54:8 (2011), 837–844
E. A. Sosnin, D. A. Sorokin, “Current Sources of Vacuum Ultraviolet Radiation: State and Prospects (A Review)”, Plasma Phys. Rep., 50:7 (2024), 880
Andrei V. Starodubov, Alexey A. Serdobintsev, Viktor V. Galushka, Ilya O. Kozhevnikov, Timur M. Amanov, Vladimir N. Titov, Ivan S. Ozhogin, Kristina S. Chernozubkina, Sergei V. German, Sergey Y. Molchanov, Igor S. Bahteev, Nikita M. Ryskin, “Prototyping of electromagnetic components of sub-terahertz vacuum electron devices”, Prog Addit Manuf, 2024
В. В. Герасимов, А. К. Никитин, А. Г. Лемзяков, “ПЛАНАРНЫЙ ИНТЕРФЕРОМЕТР МАЙКЕЛЬСОНА НА ПОВЕРХНОСТНЫХ ПЛАЗМОНАХ ТЕРАГЕРЦЕВОГО ДИАПАЗОНА”, Pribory i tehnika èksperimenta, 2023, № 3, 67
Zengwen Wang, Shaozhe Zhang, Houxiu Xiao, Xianfei Chen, Xiaotao Han, “Multiphysics Field Effects of Eddy Currents in Gyrotron With Pulsed Magnet”, IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, 70:12 (2023), 6563
V. V. Gerasimov, A. K. Nikitin, A. G. Lemzyakov, “Planar Michelson Interferometer Using Terahertz Surface Plasmons”, Instrum Exp Tech, 66:3 (2023), 423
Starodubov A.V., Serdobintsev A.A., Galushka V.V., Kozhevnikov I.O., Pavlov A.M., Ulisse G., Krozer V., Ryskin N.M., “Magnetron Co-Sputtered Mu M-Thick Mo-Cu Films as Structural Material With Low Heat Extension For Key Parts of High-Power Millimeter-Band Vacuum Microelectronic Devices”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, 40:1 (2022), 014201
Pavel A. Nikitin, “THz-Band Acousto-optic Methods”, L&E, 2022, no. 06-2022, 60
V. A. Mironov, D. A. Fadeev, “Self-Action of Ultrashort Pulses in the Self-Similar Regime”, Radiophys Quantum El, 65:1 (2022), 32
Lurie Yu., Bratman V.L., “Injection of a Short Electron Bunch Into Thz Radiation Section With An Undulator and Strong Guiding Magnetic Fields”, Phys. Plasmas, 28:1 (2021), 013101
Muchkaev V.Yu., Senchurov V.A., Kurkin S., Badarin A., “Electron Flow Modulation in Double-Gap Cavity With a Multiple Ratio of the Two Modes Frequencies”, IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, 68:2 (2021), 835–840
Muchkaev V.Y., Onishchenko A.P., Tsarev V.A., “Generation of Double-Frequency Radiation in Monotron With Three-Gap Cavity”, Izv. Vyss. Uchebn. Zaved.-Prikl. Nelineynaya Din., 29:6 (2021), 915–926
Starodubov A.V., Serdobintsev A.A., Kozhevnikov I.O., Pavlov A.M., Galushka V.V., Makarkin S.A., “Study of Dielectric Properties of Resistive Thin-Film Coatings Based on Silicon Nitride Compositions”, Proceedings of Spie, 11458, ed. Derbov V., Spie-Int Soc Optical Engineering, 2020, 1145810
Glyavin M., Denisov G., Fedotov A., Fokin A., Zotova I., Bogdashov A., “Frequency Tuning and Spectrum Control in Sub-Thz Gyrotrons”, 2020 IEEE 21St International Conference on Vacuum Electronics (Ivec 2020), IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference Ivec, IEEE, 2020, 185–186
Glyavin M.Yu., Denisov G.G., “The Progress in High Frequency, High Power Gyrotron Development in Russia”, Proceedings of Spie, 11582, eds. Romanovskii O., Kistenev Y., Spie-Int Soc Optical Engineering, 2020, 1158213
Andrey V. Starodubov, Stanislav Andreevich Makarkin, Alexey Alexandrovich Serdobintsev, Anton Mikhailovich Pavlov, Victor Vladimirovich Galushka, Ilya Olegovich Kozhevnikov, “STUDY OF RESISTIVE THIN-FILM COATINGS FOR APPLICATION IN MILLIMETER-BAND VACUUM POWER AMPLIFIERS”, PIER C, 105 (2020), 23
Alexey Serdobintsev, Viktor Galushka, Anton Pavlov, Ilya Kozhevnikov, Andrei Starodubov, Roman Torgashov, Nikita Ryskin, 2020 7th International Congress on Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects (EFRE), 2020, 809
S. A. Afanas'ev, I. O. Zolotovsky, A. S. Kadochkin, S. G. Moiseev, V. V. Svetukhin, A. A. Pavlov, S. V. Bulyarsky, “Arrays of Carbon Nanotubes in a Field of Continuous Laser Radiation”, Russ Microelectron, 49:1 (2020), 16