Образец цитирования:
А. Г. Франк, “Динамика токовых слоев как основа вспышечных явлений в замагниченной плазме”, УФН, 180:9 (2010), 982–988; Phys. Usp., 53:9 (2010), 941–947
Anna G. Frank, Sergey A. Savinov, “Structure of Current Sheets Formed in 2D Magnetic Configurations with X-Type Null Lines in the Presence of the Hall Currents and Inverse Currents”, Symmetry, 16:1 (2024), 103
A. G. Frank, N. P. Kyrie, S. A. Savinov, I. R. Nugaev, D. E. Kharlachev, V. A. Ivanov, V. D. Stepakhin, “Dynamic Processes in Current Sheets and Experimental Laboratory Astrophysics”, Astron. Rep., 68:4 (2024), 406
M. A. Alkhimova, S. S. Makarov, I. Yu. Skobelev, S. N. Ryazantsev, E. D. Filippov, “Study of the Magnetic Reconnection Effect in a Laboratory Astrophysical Experiment on X-Ray L-Shell Emission Spectra of Multicharged Ions”, Astron. Rep., 68:4 (2024), 345
А. G. Frank, N. P. Kyrie, S. А. Savinov, I. R. Nugaev, D. Е. Kharlachev, V. А. Ivanov, V. D. Stepakhin, “Dynamic processes in current sheets and experimental laboratory astrophysics”, Astronomičeskij žurnal, 101:4 (2024), 366
A. G. Frank, I. R. Nugaev, D. E. Kharlachev, “Integral Plasma Current and Determination of Current Sheet Parameters”, Plasma Phys. Rep., 50:11 (2024), 1388
В. С. Бескин, В. И. Крауз, С. А. Ламзин, “Лабораторное моделирование струйных выбросов из молодых звёзд на установках с плазменным фокусом”, УФН, 193:4 (2023), 345–381; V. S. Beskin, V. I. Krauz, S. A. Lamzin, “Laboratory modeling of jets from young stars using plasma focus facilities”, Phys. Usp., 66:4 (2023), 327–359
N. P. Kyrie, D. E. Kharlachev, K. V. Shpakov, “Studies of Dynamics of Neutral Component of Current Sheet Plasma, Based on Spectral Broadening of Helium Line He I 5876 Å”, Fizika plazmy, 49:11 (2023), 1092
N. P. Kyrie, D. E. Kharlachev, K. V. Shpakov, “Studies of Dynamics of Neutral Component of Current Sheet Plasma, Based on Spectral Broadening of Helium Line He I 5876 Å”, Plasma Phys. Rep., 49:11 (2023), 1275
Anna G Frank, Anton V Artemyev, San Lu, Xiao-Jia Zhang, Natalia Kyrie, “Currents in reconnection plasma jets: comparative study of laboratory experiments and spacecraft observations”, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion, 65:9 (2023), 095006
М. И. Панасюк, Л. И. Мирошниченко, “Ускорение частиц в космосе: универсальный механизм?”, УФН, 192:4 (2022), 413–442; M. I. Panasyuk, L. I. Miroshnichenko, “Particle acceleration in space: a universal mechanism?”, Phys. Usp., 65:4 (2022), 379–405
Frank A.G., Satunin S.N., “Reversed Currents in Current Sheets and Braking of Plasma Flows”, Plasma Phys. Rep., 48:1 (2022), 10–16
I. V. Zimovets, A. S. Lukin, A. V. Artemiev, “A Comparative Analysis of Quasi-Periodic Processes in the Magnetospheric Current Sheet and the Current Sheets of the Solar Corona”, Cosmic Res, 60:6 (2022), 420
N. P. Kyrie, A. G. Frank, A. R. Mingaleev, T. B. Mavlyudov, K. V. Shpakov, I. S. Baidin, “Measurement of the Plasma Density of the Current Sheet by the Broadening of the Spectral Lines of Atomic Helium He I 447.1 and 492.2 nm with Forbidden Components”, Plasma Phys. Rep., 48:11 (2022), 1165
A. G. Frank, “Distinctive Features of the Structure of Current Sheets Formed in Plasma in Three-Dimensional Magnetic Configurations with an X line (a Review)”, Plasma Phys. Rep., 48:5 (2022), 574
Frank A.G., Kyrie N.P., Satunin S.N., Savinov S.A., “Characteristics of Plasma Dynamics in Current Sheets Formed in Helium Plasma”, Universe, 7:11 (2021), 400
Kyrie N.P., Savinov S.A., “Ion and Electron Temperature Evolution in Plasma of Current Sheets Formed By Krypton Discharge”, Bull. Lebedev Phys. Inst., 48:2 (2021), 49–54
Kyrie N.P., Savinov S.A., “Spectroscopic Investigation of Tangential Acceleration and Heating of Plasma of Current Sheets Formed Under the Krypton Discharge”, Plasma Phys. Rep., 47:6 (2021), 611–622
А. Г. Франк, С. Н. Сатунин, “О возбуждении токов обратного направления в токовых слоях”, Письма в ЖЭТФ, 112:10 (2020), 667–673; A. G. Frank, S. N. Satunin, “On the generation of opposite currents in current sheets”, JETP Letters, 112:10 (2020), 623–629
Frank A.G., Savinov S.A., “Determination of the Structure of Current Sheets and Detection of Sheet Disruption Based on Measurements By External Magnetic Probes”, Plasma Phys. Rep., 46:9 (2020), 920–926
Frank A.G., Satunin S.N., “Some Features of Current Sheets Formed in Plasmas With Ions of Different Mass”, Bull. Lebedev Phys. Inst., 47:2 (2020), 54–58