Образец цитирования:
В. В. Бражкин, М. Гримсдич, И. Гуэдес, Н. А. Бенделиани, Т. И. Дюжева, Л. М. Литягина, “Модули упругости и механические свойства монокристаллов стишовита”, УФН, 172:4 (2002), 488–489; Phys. Usp., 45:4 (2002), 447–448
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M. Raranskiy, A Oliynich-Lysyuk, Roman Tashchuk, A. Struk, R. Tashyuk, S Hulyk, Oleg V. Angelsky, Fifteenth International Conference on Correlation Optics, 2021, 6
N. A. Rudenskaya, G. P. Shveykin, M. V. Rudenskaya, “Plasma coatings containing high-baring phases”, Vescì Akademìì navuk Belarusì. Seryâ fizika-tehničnyh navuk, 64:1 (2019), 35
Norimasa NISHIYAMA, Fumihiro WAKAI, “Transformation Toughening by Fracture-Induced Amorphization in Nanopolycrystalline Stishovite”, THE REVIEW OF HIGH PRESSURE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 28:3 (2018), 170
Yoshida K., Nishiyama N., Sone M., Wakai F., “Strength and toughness of nanocrystalline SiO2 stishovite toughened by fracture-induced amorphization”, Acta Mater., 124 (2017), 316–324
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Misawa M., Ryuo E., Yoshida K., Kalia R.K., Nakano A., Nishiyama N., Shimojo F., Vashishta P., Wakai F., “Picosecond Amorphization of Sio2 Stishovite Under Tension”, Sci. Adv., 3:5 (2017), e1602339
Yoshida K., Nishiyama N., Shinoda Yu., Akarsu T., Wakai F., “Evaluation of Effects of Crack Deflection and Grain Bridging on Toughening of Nanocrystalline Sio2 Stishovite”, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 37:15 (2017), 5113–5117
K.M.. Azzopardi, Jean-Pierre Brincat, J.N.. Grima, Ruben Gatt, “Advances in the study of the deformation mechanism of stishovite”, Phys. Status Solidi B, 2015, n/a
Kimiko Yoshida, Fumihiro Wakai, Norimasa Nishiyama, Risako Sekine, Yutaka Shinoda, “Large increase in fracture resistance of stishovite with crack extension less than one micrometer”, Sci. Rep, 5 (2015), 10993
Shveikin G.P. Rudenskaya N.A. Rudenskaya M.V., “Plasma-Sprayed Amorphous-Crystalline Coatings Based on Tio2, Sio2, Al2O3, and Zro2 Oxides”, Dokl. Chem., 464:2 (2015), 246–251
Rui Yang, Zhongqing Wu, “Elastic properties of stishovite and the CaCl2-type silica at the mantle temperature and pressure: An ab initio investigation”, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 404 (2014), 14
Norimasa Nishiyama, Fumihiro Wakai, Hiroaki Ohfuji, Yusuke Tamenori, Hidenobu Murata, “Fracture-induced amorphization of polycrystalline SiO2 stishovite: a potential platform for toughening in ceramics”, Sci. Rep, 4 (2014), 6558
K. M. Azzopardi, J. P. Brincat, J. N. Grima, Ruben Gatt, “Anomalous elastic properties in stishovite”, RSC Adv, 5:12 (2014), 8974
Dub N., Brazhkin V.V., Belous V.A., Tolmacheva G.N., Konevskii P.V., “Comparative Nanoindentation of Single Crystals of Hard and Superhard Oxidess”, J. Superhard Mater., 36:4 (2014), 217–230
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