Образец цитирования:
А. В. Ким, М. Ю. Рябикин, А. М. Сергеев, “От фемтосекундных к аттосекундным импульсам”, УФН, 169:1 (1999), 58–66; Phys. Usp., 42:1 (1999), 54–61
Marjan Zakavi, Mohammad Sabaeian, “Quantum mechanical modeling of high-intensity laser pulse interaction with hydrogen atom with considering the magnetic field and polarization”, Sci Rep, 14:1 (2024)
Khairulin I.R., Emelin M.Yu., Ryabikin M.Yu., “Ultrahigh-Order Harmonic Generation in the Subnanometer Wavelength Range: the Role of Finite Atomic Size”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B-Opt. Phys., 38:8 (2021), 2329–2337
Forre M., Selsto S., “Schrodinger Formulation of the Nondipole Light-Matter Interaction Consistent With Relativity”, Phys. Rev. A, 101:6 (2020), 063416
Romanov A.A., Silaev A.A., Frolov M.V., Sarantseva T.S., Minina A.A., Smirnova D.A., Vvedenskii N.V., Xxxiv International Conference on Interaction of Intense Energy Fluxes With Matter, Journal of Physics Conference Series, 1556, IOP Publishing Ltd, 2020
Emelina A.S., Emelin M.Yu., Ryabikin M.Yu., “Wavelength Scaling Laws For High-Order Harmonic Yield From Atoms Driven By Mid- and Long-Wave Infrared Laser Fields”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B-Opt. Phys., 36:11 (2019), 3236–3245
Я. В. Грудцын, А. В. Корибут, Л. Д. Михеев, В. А. Трофимов, Квантовая электроника, 48:4 (2018), 306–312; Quantum Electron., 48:4 (2018), 306–312
Romanov A.A., Silaev A.A., Smirnova D.A., Sarantseva T.S., Minina A.A., Frolov V M., Vvedenskii N.V., “Quantum-Mechanical Simulations of Interaction of Many-Electron Quantum Systems With Ionizing Laser Pulses”, Probl. At. Sci. Technol., 2018, no. 4, 277–281
Emelin M.Yu., Smirnov L.A., Ryabikin M.Yu., “Tailoring the Pulse Shape to Efficiently Populate Atomic Electron Metastable States in a Relativistically Intense High-Frequency Laser Field”, Phys. Rev. A, 96:4 (2017), 043420
Forre M., Simonsen A.S., “Generalized Velocity-Gauge Form of the Light-Matter Interaction Hamiltonian Beyond the Dipole Approximation”, Phys. Rev. A, 93:1 (2016), 013423
В. В. Стрелков, В. Т. Платоненко, А. Ф. Стержантов, М. Ю. Рябикин, “Аттосекундные электромагнитные импульсы: генерация, измерение и применение. Генерация высоких гармоник интенсивного лазерного излучения для получения аттосекундных импульсов”, УФН, 186:5 (2016), 449–470; V. V. Strelkov, V. T. Platonenko, A. F. Sterzhantov, M. Yu. Ryabikin, “Attosecond electromagnetic pulses: generation, measurement, and application. Generation of high-order harmonics of an intense laser field for attosecond pulse production”, Phys. Usp., 59:5 (2016), 425–445
Simonsen A.S., Forre M., “Dipole-forbidden atomic transitions induced by superintense x-ray laser fields”, Phys. Rev. A, 93:6 (2016), 063425
Simonsen A.S., Kjellsson T., Forre M., Lindroth E., Selsto S., “Ionization dynamics beyond the dipole approximation induced by the pulse envelope”, Phys. Rev. A, 93:5 (2016), 053411
Galloway B.R., Popmintchev D., Pisanty E., Hickstein D.D., Murnane M.M., Kapteyn H.C., Popmintchev T., “Lorentz drift compensation in high harmonic generation in the soft and hard X-ray regions of the spectrum”, Opt. Express, 24:19 (2016), 21818–21832
Emelina A.S., Emelin M.Yu., Ryabikin M.Yu., “Subattosecond keV beats of the high-harmonic x-ray field produced with few-cycle mid-IR laser pulses: Magnetic-field effects”, Phys. Rev. A, 93:4 (2016), 043802
A.S.kjerlie Simonsen, Morten Førre, “Magnetic-field-induced enhancement of atomic stabilization in intense high-frequency laser fields”, Phys. Rev. A, 92:1 (2015)
Emelina A.S., Emelin M.Yu., Ryabikin M.Yu., “Multi-Kev Ultrahigh-Order Harmonics Produced in Gases With Subrelativistically Intense Mid-Ir Laser Pulses”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B-Opt. Phys., 32:12 (2015), 2478–2487
M. Yu. Emelin, M. Yu. Ryabikin, “Atomic photoionization and dynamical stabilization with subrelativistically intense high-frequency light: Magnetic-field effects revisited”, Phys. Rev. A, 89:1 (2014)
А. С. Емелина, М. Ю. Емелин, М. Ю. Рябикин, Квантовая электроника, 44:5 (2014), 470–477; Quantum Electron., 44:5 (2014), 470–477
М. Ю. Емелин, М. Ю. Рябикин, Квантовая электроника, 43:3 (2013), 211–216; Quantum Electron., 43:3 (2013), 211–216
A. A. Balakin, A. G. Litvak, V. A. Mironov, S. A. Skobelev, “Compression of femtosecond petawatt laser pulses in a plasma under the conditions of wake-wave excitation”, Phys. Rev. A, 88:2 (2013)