Образец цитирования:
А. Н. Ширяев, “К обнаружению разладок производственного процесса. II”, Теория вероятн. и ее примен., 8:4 (1963), 431–443; Theory Probab. Appl., 8:4 (1963), 402–413
Igor V. Nikiforov, “Sequential detection/isolation of abrupt changes”, Sequential Analysis, 35:3 (2016), 268
Eric D. Siggia, Massimo Vergassola, “Decisions on the fly in cellular sensory systems”, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 110:39 (2013)
Lionel Fillatre, Igor Nikiforov, “A Fixed-Size Sample Strategy for the Sequential Detection and Isolation of Non-Orthogonal Alternatives”, Sequential Analysis, 29:2 (2010), 176
Lionel Fillatre, Igor Nikiforov, “Fixed Size Sample Strategy for Change Detection and Isolation of Non-Orthogonal Faults”, IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 42:8 (2009), 283
А. Н. Ширяев, “О стохастических моделях и оптимальных методах в задачах скорейшего обнаружения”, Теория вероятн. и ее примен., 53:3 (2008), 417–436; A. N. Shiryaev, “On Stochastic Models and Optimal Methods in the Quickest Detection Problems”, Theory Probab. Appl., 53:3 (2009), 385–401
I.V. Nikiforov, Proceedings of the 1998 American Control Conference. ACC (IEEE Cat. No.98CH36207), 1998, 751
I.V. Nikiforov, “Two strategies in the problem of change detection and isolation”, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 43:2 (1997), 770
Edward Chow, Alan Willsky, “Bayesian Design of Decision Rules for Failure Detection”, IEEE Trans. Aerosp. Electron. Syst., AES-20:6 (1984), 761