We discuss new models of an “affine” theory of gravity in multidimensional space-times with symmetric connections. We use and develop ideas of Weyl, Eddington, and Einstein, in particular, Einstein's proposal to specify the space-time geometry by the use of the Hamilton principle. More specifically, the connection coefficients are determined using a “geometric” Lagrangian that is an arbitrary function of the generalized (nonsymmetric) Ricci curvature tensor (and, possibly, of other fundamental tensors) expressed in terms of the connection coefficients regarded as independent variables. Such a theory supplements the standard Einstein gravity with dark energy (the cosmological constant, in the first approximation), a neutral massive (or tachyonic) vector field (vecton), and massive (or tachyonic) scalar fields. These fields couple only to gravity and can generate dark matter and/or inflation. The new field masses (real or imaginary) have a geometric origin and must appear in any concrete model. The concrete choice of the geometric Lagrangian determines further details of the theory, for example, the nature of the vector and scalar fields that can describe massive particles, tachyons, or even “phantoms.” In “natural” geometric theories, which are discussed here, dark energy must also arise. We mainly focus on intricate relations between geometry and dynamics while only very briefly considering approximate cosmological models inspired by the geometric approach.
Образец цитирования:
A. T. Filippov, “Affine generalizations of gravity in the light of modern cosmology”, Проблемы современной теоретической и математической физики. Калибровочные теории и суперструны, Сборник статей. К 70-летию со дня рождения академика Андрея Алексеевича Славнова, Труды МИАН, 272, МАИК «Наука/Интерпериодика», М., 2011, 117–128; Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 272 (2011), 107–118
\by A.~T.~Filippov
\paper Affine generalizations of gravity in the light of modern cosmology
\inbook Проблемы современной теоретической и математической физики. Калибровочные теории и суперструны
\bookinfo Сборник статей. К~70-летию со дня рождения академика Андрея Алексеевича Славнова
\serial Труды МИАН
\yr 2011
\vol 272
\pages 117--128
\publ МАИК «Наука/Интерпериодика»
\publaddr М.
\jour Proc. Steklov Inst. Math.
\yr 2011
\vol 272
\pages 107--118
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Azri H., Nasri S., “Dynamical Aspects of Asymmetric Eddington Gravity With Scalar Fields”, Phys. Rev. D, 104:6 (2021), 064028
Filippov T., “A Fresh View of Cosmological Models Describing Very Early Universe: General Solution of the Dynamical Equations”, Phys. Part. Nuclei Lett., 14:2 (2017), 298–303
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космологиях со скаляроном”, ТМФ, 188:1 (2016), 121–157; A. T. Filippov, “Solving dynamical equations in general homogeneous isotropic cosmologies with a scalaron”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 188:1 (2016), 1069–1098
A. T. Filippov, “Integrals of equations for cosmological and static reductions in generalized theories of gravity”, Phys. Part. Nuclei Lett., 11:7 (2014), 844
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