Основные публикации: |
Y. Sözen and F. Bonahon, “The Weil-Petersson and Thurston symplectic forms”, Duke Mathematical Journal, 108 (2001), 581–597
F. Bonahon, Y. Sözen, “Variation of the Liouville measure of a hyperbolic surface”, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 23 (2003), 729–758
A. Ashyralyev, Y. Sozen and P. E. Sobolevskii, “A Note on the Parabolic Differential and Difference Equations”, Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2007, Art. ID 61659, 16 pp.
Y. Sözen, “Reidemeister Torsion of a Symplectic Complex”, Osaka Journal of Mathematics, 45:1 (2008), 1–39
Y. Sözen, “Ideal Cell-Decompositions for a hyperbolic surface and Euler characteristic”, Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society, 45:4 (2008), 965–976