Hydrocyanation of 3-methylpentane-2,4-dione stereospecifically gave trans,trans-iminolactone 1, whose configuration was established by X-ray diffraction of the corresponding lactone 2; the rate of cyclization of the diastereoisomeric lactonic acids 3a,b and their esters 4a,b into dilactone 5 was controlled sterically by the methyl groups with cis,cis-isomers 3b, 4b predominating ; alcoholysis of 5 regiospecifically afforded ester 4b.
Тип публикации:
Язык публикации: английский
Образец цитирования:
I. V. Vystorop, I. I. Chervin, A. N. Utienyshev, C. Jaime, X. Sanchez-Ruiz, S. M. Aldoshin, R. G. Kostyanovsky, “Stereocontrolled synthesis and cyclization of (+,−)-α,α’-dihydroxy-α,α ’, β-trimethylglutaric acid derivatives”, Mendeleev Commun., 7:2 (1997), 64–66
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Эта публикация цитируется в следующих 1 статьяx:
I. V. VYSTOROP, I. I. CHERVIN, A. N. UTIENYSHEV, C. JAIME, X. SANCHEZ‐RUIZ, S. M. ALDOSHIN, R. G. KOSTYANOVSKY, “ChemInform Abstract: Stereocontrolled Synthesis and Cyclization of (+,‐)‐α,α′‐ Dihydroxy‐α,α′,β‐trimethylglutaric Acid Derivatives.”, ChemInform, 28:38 (1997)