Рассмотрена спектральная задача для уравнения Лапласа со смешанными краевыми условиями в полукруге. Доказано, что спектр задачи не принадлежит карлемановской параболе $|\operatorname{Im}\lambda|\le\operatorname{const}$.
Библиогр. 7 назв.
A. A. Polosin, “Gellerstedt Type Directional Derivative Problem for an Equation of the Mixed Type with a Spectral Parameter”, Diff Equat, 55:10 (2019), 1373
A. A. Polosin, “Mixed Oblique Derivative Problem for the Helmholtz Equation in a Half-Disk”, Diff Equat, 54:10 (2018), 1371
N. Kapustin, E. Moiseev, A. Polosin, N. Popivanov, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2048, 2018, 040021
A. A. Polosin, “Oblique Derivative Problem for the Helmholtz Equation in a Disk”, Diff Equat, 54:4 (2018), 486
A. A. Polosin, “Oblique derivative problem with variable inclination angle: Location of the spectrum and the absence of the basis property of the system of root functions”, Diff Equat, 47:10 (2011), 1482