28 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/ufa50
Koshanov B.D., Adilbekov E.N., Duysen E., “The Dimension of the Space Solutions of the Dirichlet Problem For the Poisson and Biharmonic Equations in Unbounded Domains - i”, News Natl. Acad. Sci. Rep. Kazakhstan-Ser. Phys.-Math., 2:312 (2017), 116–125
Koshanov B.D., Adilbekov E.N., Duysen E., “The Dimension of the Space Solutions of the Dirichlet Problem For the Poisson and Biharmonic Equations in Unbounded Domains - II”, News Natl. Acad. Sci. Rep. Kazakhstan-Ser. Phys.-Math., 2:312 (2017), 126–131
Koshanov B.D., Smatova G.D., “On Correct Restrictions of Bi-Laplace Operator and Their Properties”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1880, eds. Kalmenov T., Sadybekov M., Amer Inst Physics, 2017, UNSP 050016
Dubey Sh., Kumar A., Mishra M.M., “Polyharmonic Neumann Andmixed Boundary Value Problems in the Heisenberg Group H-N”, Complex Var. Elliptic Equ., 62:10, SI (2017), 1506–1518
А. О. Казакова, “Приближенное решение основной краевой задачи для полигармонического уравнения в кольцеобразной области”, Известия высших учебных заведений. Поволжский регион. Физико-математические науки, 2017, № 3, 15–27
Б. Х. Турметов, “О разрешимости одной краевой задачи для неоднородного полигармонического уравнения с граничным оператором дробного порядка”, Уфимск. матем. журн., 8:3 (2016), 160–175
; B. Kh. Turmetov, “On solvability of a boundary value problem for an inhomogeneous polyharmonic equation with a fractional order boundary operator”, Ufa Math. J., 8:3 (2016), 155–170
В. В. Карачик, “Об одной задаче типа Неймана для бигармонического уравнения”, Матем. тр., 19:2 (2016), 86–108
; V. V. Karachik, “A Neumann-type problem for the biharmonic equation”, Siberian Adv. Math., 27:2 (2017), 103–118
Turmetov B., “On Some Boundary Value Problems For Nonhomogenous Polyharmonic Equation With Boundary Operators of Fractional Order”, Acta Math. Sci., 36:3 (2016), 831–846
Turmetov B.Kh., Karachik V.V., “About One Boundary Value Problem For the Biharmonic Equation”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1789, eds. Pasheva V., Popivanov N., Venkov G., Amer Inst Physics, 2016, UNSP 040015
Karachik V.V., “Solution of the Dirichlet Problem With Polynomial Data For the Polyharmonic Equation in a Ball”, Differ. Equ., 51:8 (2015), 1033–1042