28 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/ufa50
Koshanov B.D., Koshanova G.D., Azimkhan G.E., Segizbayeva R.U., “Solvability of Boundary Value Problems With Non-Local Conditions For Multidimensional Hyperbolic Equations”, News Natl. Acad. Sci. Rep. Kazakhstan-Ser. Phys.-Math., 2:330 (2020), 103–111
Kozhanov I A., Koshanov B.D., Sultangaziyeva Zh.B., Oglu A. N. Yemir Kady, Smatova G.D., “Spectral Problem For the Sixth Order Nonclassical Differential Equations”, Bull. Karaganda Univ-Math., 97:1 (2020), 79–86
В. В. Карачик, “Класс задач типа Неймана для полигармонического уравнения в шаре”, Ж. вычисл. матем. и матем. физ., 60:1 (2020), 132–150
; V. V. Karachik, “Class of Neumann-type problems for the polyharmonic equation in a ball”, Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 60:1 (2020), 144–162
Karachik V.V., Turmetov B.Kh., “on a Class of Neumann Type Problems For Polyharmonic Equation”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2172, eds. Pasheva V., Popivanov N., Venkov G., Amer Inst Physics, 2019, 030002
Karachik V.V., “Riquier-Neumann Problem For the Polyharmonic Equation in a Ball”, Differ. Equ., 54:5 (2018), 648–657
Koshanov B.D., Soldatov A.P., “On the Solvability of the Boundary Value Problems For the Elliptic Equation of High Order on a Plane”, Bull. Karaganda Univ-Math., 91:3 (2018), 24–30
Koshanov B., Soldatov A., “About the Generalized Dirichlet-Neumann Problem For An Elliptic Equation of High Order”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1997, eds. Ashyralyev A., Lukashov A., Sadybekov M., Amer Inst Physics, 2018, UNSP 020013-1
И. А. Гулящих, “Разрешимость одной задачи типа Неймана для тригармонического уравнения в шаре”, Вестн. Южно-Ур. ун-та. Сер. Матем. Мех. Физ., 9:3 (2017), 5–12
В. В. Карачик, “Задача типа Неймана для полигармонического уравнения в шаре”, Челяб. физ.-матем. журн., 2:4 (2017), 420–429
Turmetov B.Kh., “On the Solvability of Some Boundary Value Problems For the Inhomogeneous Polyharmonic Equation With Boundary Operators of the Hadamard Type”, Differ. Equ., 53:3 (2017), 333–344