73 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/tvp662
Ioannis Karatzas, Steven E. Shreve, “Connections between Optimal Stopping and Singular Stochastic Control I. Monotone Follower Problems”, SIAM J. Control Optim., 22:6 (1984), 856
E. Lanery, “Temps d'arrêt optimal des processus non bornes”, Stochastics, 11:1-2 (1983), 33
Studies in Mathematics and Its Applications, 12, Applications of Variational Inequalities in Stochastic Control, 1982, 559
A.G. Mucci, “Existence and explicit determination of optimal stopping times”, Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 8:1 (1978), 33
Makiko Nisio, “On nonlinear semigroups for Markov processes associated with optimal stopping”, Appl Math Optim, 4:1 (1977), 143
Jean Michel Bismut, “Dualit� convexe, temps d'arr�t optimal et contr�le stochastique”, Z. Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie verw Gebiete, 38:3 (1977), 169
Jean-Michel Bismut, Bernard Skalli, “Temps d'arrÊt optimal, théorie générale des processus et processus de Markov”, Z. Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie verw Gebiete, 39:4 (1977), 301
Stochastic Differential Equations and Applications, 1976, 523
Makiko Nisio, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 550, Proceedings of the Third Japan — USSR Symposium on Probability Theory, 1976, 446
North-Holland Mathematical Library, 10, Discrete-Parameter Martingales, 1975, 222