168 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/tmf3879
Н. М. Боголюбов, А. Г. Изергин, “Решеточная вполне интегрируемая регуляризация модели синус-Гордон для небольших констант связи”, ТМФ, 59:2 (1984), 183–199 ; N. M. Bogolyubov, A. G. Izergin, “Lattice completely integrable regularization of the sine-Gordon model for small coupling constants”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 59:2 (1984), 441–452
L. Martinez Alonso, “Soliton classical dynamics in the sine-Gordon equation in terms of the massive Thirring model”, Phys. Rev. D, 30:12 (1984), 2595
K Osano, “On the spectrum of solitons in an easy-plane ferromagnetic chain”, J. Phys. C: Solid State Phys., 17:5 (1984), 843
K. Sasaki, “A Theory of a Non-Ideal Gas of Sine-Gordon Solitons”, Progress of Theoretical Physics, 71:6 (1984), 1169
Marco Boiti, Jérôme J.-P. Leon, Flora Pempinelli, “A recursive generation of local higher-order sine–Gordon equations and their Bäcklund transformation”, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 25:6 (1984), 1725
Hideo Tsuru, Miki Wadati, “The Multiple Pole Solutions of the Sine-Gordon Equation”, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 53:9 (1984), 2908
К. А. Свешников, “Ковариантная теория возмущений в окрестности классического решения”, ТМФ, 55:3 (1983), 361–384 ; K. A. Sveshnikov, “Covariant perturbation theory in the neighborhood of a classical solution”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 55:3 (1983), 553–568
Н. Ю. Решетихин, Л. Д. Фаддеев, “Гамильтоновы структуры для интегрируемых моделей теории поля”, ТМФ, 56:3 (1983), 323–343 ; N. Yu. Reshetikhin, L. D. Faddeev, “Hamiltonian structures for integrable models of field theory”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 56:3 (1983), 847–862
Ryu Sasaki, “General classical solutions of the complex grassmannian and CPN−1 sigma models”, Physics Letters B, 130:1-2 (1983), 69
Masatoshi Imada, “Chaos Caused by the Soliton-Soliton Interaction”, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 52:6 (1983), 1946