168 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/tmf3879
Rainer Grauer, Yuri S. Kivshar, “Chaotic and phase-locked breather dynamics in the damped and parametrically driven sine-Gordon equation”, Phys. Rev. E, 48:6 (1993), 4791
О. М. Киселев, “Асимптотика кинка возмущенного уравнения sine-Gordon”, ТМФ, 93:1 (1992), 39–48
; O. M. Kiselev, “Kink asymptotics of the perturbed sine-Gordon equation”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 93:1 (1992), 1106–1111
Rainer Grauer, Björn Birnir, “The center manifold and bifurcations of damped and driven sine-Gordon breathers”, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 56:2-3 (1992), 165
G Boffetta, A.R Osborne, “Computation of the direct scattering transform for the nonlinear Schroedinger equation”, Journal of Computational Physics, 102:2 (1992), 252
V. A. Yatsun, “Exact localized solutions in supersymmetric models of boson-fermion interactions”, Ukr Math J, 43:11 (1991), 1380
H.-J. Mikeska, M. Steiner, “Solitary excitations in one-dimensional magnets”, Advances in Physics, 40:3 (1991), 191
C. Fronsdal, “Normal ordering and quantum groups”, Lett Math Phys, 22:3 (1991), 225
В. Д. Липовский, А. В. Широков, “$2+1$ цепочка Тоды.
II. Гамильтонов формализм”, ТМФ, 84:1 (1990), 64–78
; V. D. Lipovskii, A. V. Shirokov, “$2+1$ Toda chain.
II. Hamiltonian formalism”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 84:1 (1990), 718–728
M. Jaworski, D. Kaup, Research Reports in Physics, Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Dynamical Systems, 1990, 64
N. Ercolani, M.G. Forest, David W. McLaughlin, “Geometry of the modulational instability”, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 43:2-3 (1990), 349