477 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/tmf2651
Wang-Chuang Kuo, David Slaven, Bing-Lin Young, “Multigluon processes and the Slavnov-Taylor identity”, Phys. Rev. D, 37:1 (1988), 233
P. Gaigg, M. Kreuzer, G. Pollak, “Renormalization of Yang-Mills theories in axial gauges within a uniform prescription”, Phys. Rev. D, 38:8 (1988), 2559
R. F. Alvarez-Estrada, A. Muñoz Sudupe, “Flow-gauge Slavnov-Taylor identities for Zwanziger's gauge fixing”, Phys. Rev. D, 37:8 (1988), 2340
M. Blagojević, P. Senjanović, “The quantum field theory of electric and magnetic charge”, Physics Reports, 157:4-5 (1988), 233
A P Contogouris, N Mebarki, H Tanaka, “Higher-order corrections in certain supersymmetric processes”, J. Phys. G: Nucl. Phys., 14:6 (1988), 663
R. F. Buser, R. D. Viollier, P. Zimak, “Canonical quantization and chromodynamics in a spherical cavity”, Int J Theor Phys, 27:8 (1988), 925
Б. А. Арбузов, А. И. Давыдычев, “Частные решения уравнений для низших
функций Грина в инфракрасной области квантовой хромодинамики”, ТМФ, 71:1 (1987), 21–30 ; B. A. Arbuzov, A. I. Davydychev, “Particular solutions of the equations for the lowest Green's functions in the infrared region of quantum chromodynamics”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 71:1 (1987), 352–359
Kazuo Fujikawa, “Schwinger terms and Slavnov-Taylor identities”, Physics Letters B, 188:1 (1987), 115
B. A. Arbuzov, A. I. Davydychev, S. S. Kurennoy, “Particular solutions of the equation for the quark propagator in the infra-red region of QCD”, Nuov Cim A, 97:1 (1987), 131
О. И. Завьялов, “Инвариантные регуляризации в калибровочных теориях. I. Абелевы теории”, ТМФ, 67:3 (1986), 378–395 ; O. I. Zavialov, “Invariant regularizations in gauge theories. I. Abelian theories”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 67:3 (1986), 565–576