477 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/tmf2651
Л. Г. Вачнадзе, К. Р. Натрошвили, А. А. Хелашвили, В. Ю. Хмаладзе, “Полный пропагатор глюона в светоподобной калибровке и вопрос поперечности поляризационного оператора в инфракрасной области. I”, ТМФ, 80:2 (1989), 264–273 ; L. G. Vachnadze, K. R. Natroshvili, A. A. Khelashvili, V. Yu. Khmaladze, “Total gluon propagator in the light-cone gauge and the problem of the transversality of the polarization operator in the infrared region. I”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 80:2 (1989), 857–864
W. Beenakker, H. Kuijf, W. L. van Neerven, J. Smith, “QCD corrections to heavy-quark production inpp¯collisions”, Phys. Rev. D, 40:1 (1989), 54
R. F. Alvarez-Estrada, “Quantum Chromodynamics in 1+3 Dimensions at High Temperature: Dimensional Reduction Revisited”, Fortschr. Phys., 37:5 (1989), 307
E. Bagan, T.G. Steele, “QCD condensates and the Slavnov-Taylor identities”, Physics Letters B, 219:4 (1989), 497
E. Bagan, T.G. Steele, “Are ghost condensates necessary for the Slavnov-Taylor identities?”, Physics Letters B, 226:1-2 (1989), 142
Manuel Asorey, Fernando Falceto, “Global aspects of covariant quantization of gauge theories”, Annals of Physics, 196:1 (1989), 209
D. K. Ross, “Dimensional reduction in gauge theory”, Nuov Cim A, 102:4 (1989), 1049
T.S Biroó, “QCD in the Hartree approximation”, Annals of Physics, 191:1 (1989), 1
Б. А. Арбузов, Э. Э. Боос, А. И. Давыдычев, “Инфракрасные асимптотики глюонных функций Грина в ковариантной калибровке”, ТМФ, 74:2 (1988), 163–170 ; B. A. Arbuzov, E. E. Boos, A. I. Davydychev, “Infrared asymptotics of gluon Green's functions in covariant gauge”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 74:2 (1988), 103–108
Wolfgang Kummer, “Are ghosts necessary in planar gauges?”, Phys. Rev. D, 37:2 (1988), 454