138 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/tmf2251
M.J. Martins, C.S. Melo, “Algebraic Bethe ansatz for invariant integrable models: Compact and non-compact applications”, Nuclear Physics B, 820:3 (2009), 620
A. Melikyan, A. Pinzul, “On quantum integrability of the Landau–Lifshitz model”, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 50:10 (2009)
V.S. Gerdjikov, G. Vilasi, A.B. Yanovski, Lecture Notes in Physics, 748, Integrable Hamiltonian Hierarchies, 2008, 211
V.S. Gerdjikov, G. Vilasi, A.B. Yanovski, Lecture Notes in Physics, 748, Integrable Hamiltonian Hierarchies, 2008, 247
V.S. Gerdjikov, G. Vilasi, A.B. Yanovski, Lecture Notes in Physics, 748, Integrable Hamiltonian Hierarchies, 2008, 175
N Crampé, L Frappat, É Ragoucy, “The thermodynamical limit of generalgl(N) spin chains: II. Excited states and energies”, J. Stat. Mech., 2008:01 (2008), P01015
Andrei G Bytsko, “Baxterization ofGLq(2) and its application to the Liouville model and some other models on a lattice”, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 41:19 (2008), 194003
V.S. Gerdjikov, G. Vilasi, A.B. Yanovski, Lecture Notes in Physics, 748, Integrable Hamiltonian Hierarchies, 2008, 315
Francisco C Alcaraz, Matheus J Lazo, “Exactly solvable interacting vertex models”, J. Stat. Mech., 2007:08 (2007), P08008
А. С. Горский, “Калибровочные теории как теории струн: первые результаты”, УФН, 175:11 (2005), 1145–1162 ; A. S. Gorsky, “Gauge theories as string theories: the first results”, Phys. Usp., 48:11 (2005), 1093–1108