138 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/tmf2251
A. Melikyan, G. Weber, “The r-matrix of the Alday-Arutyunov-Frolov model”, J. High Energ. Phys., 2012:11 (2012)
N Grosjean, J M Maillet, G Niccoli, “On the form factors of local operators in the lattice sine–Gordon model”, J. Stat. Mech., 2012:10 (2012), P10006
D. Chicherin, S. Derkachov, D. Karakhanyan, R. Kirschner, “Baxter operators for arbitrary spin”, Nuclear Physics B, 854:2 (2012), 393
Н. М. Боголюбов, К. Л. Малышев, “Изинговский предел $XXZ$-магнетика Гейзенберга и некоторые температурные корреляционные функции”, ТМФ, 169:2 (2011), 179–193
; N. M. Bogolyubov, K. L. Malyshev, “Ising limit of a Heisenberg $XXZ$ magnet and some temperature correlation functions”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 169:2 (2011), 1517–1529
Jean-Sébastien Caux, Jorn Mossel, “Remarks on the notion of quantum integrability”, J. Stat. Mech., 2011:02 (2011), P02023
Alessandro Torrielli, “Yangians,S-matrices and AdS/CFT”, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 44:26 (2011), 263001
G. Niccoli, “Completeness of Bethe ansatz by Sklyanin SOV for cyclic representations of integrable quantum models”, J. High Energ. Phys., 2011:3 (2011)
A. Melikyan, A. Pinzul, G. Weber, “Higher charges and regularized quantum trace identities in su(1,1) Landau–Lifshitz model”, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 51:12 (2010)
M.J. Martins, C.S. Melo, “The spectrum of an open vertex model based on the Uq[SU(2)] algebra at roots of unity”, Nuclear Physics B, 833:3 (2010), 199
Isao Maruyama, Hosho Katsura, “Continuous Matrix Product Ansatz for the One-Dimensional Bose Gas with Point Interaction”, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 79:7 (2010), 073002