17 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/tm2897
Boris V. Simonov, Ainur A. Jumabayeva, “Ulyanov inequalities for the mixed moduli of smoothness in mixed metrics”, Georgian Mathematical Journal, 2024
М. К. Потапов, Б. В. Симонов, “Неравенства, уточняющие связи между смешанными модулями гладкости в метриках $L_1$ и $L_q$”, Изв. вузов. Матем., 2022, № 2, 43–61 ; M. K. Potapov, B. V. Simonov, “Inequalities refining relationships between mixed moduli of smoothness in $L_1$- and $L_q$-metrics”, Russian Math. (Iz. VUZ), 66:2 (2022), 36–52
М. К. Потапов, Б. В. Симонов, “Уточнение связи между смешанными модулями гладкости
в метриках $L_p$ и $L_\infty$”, Матем. заметки, 110:3 (2021), 368–385 ; M. K. Potapov, B. V. Simonov, “Refinement of Relations between Mixed Moduli of Smoothness in the Metrics of $L_p$ and $L_\infty$”, Math. Notes, 110:3 (2021), 347–362
М. К. Потапов, Б. В. Симонов, “Уточнение связи между смешанными модулями гладкости в метриках $L_1$ и $L_q$”, Сиб. матем. журн., 62:4 (2021), 812–829 ; M. K. Potapov, B. V. Simonov, “Refinement of the relations between mixed smoothness moduli in $L_1$ and $L_q$ metrics”, Siberian Math. J., 62:4 (2021), 661–677
Simonov V B., “Estimates of Functions With Transformed Double Fourier Series”, Stud. Sci. Math. Hung., 58:1 (2021), 32–83
А. А. Джумабаева, Б. В. Симонов, “Преобразование рядов Фурье
с помощью обобщенно монотонных последовательностей”, Матем. заметки, 107:5 (2020), 674–692 ; A. A. Jumabayeva, B. V. Simonov, “Transformation of Fourier Series by Means of General Monotone Sequences”, Math. Notes, 107:5 (2020), 740–758
Akgun R., “Fractional Order Mixed Difference Operator and Its Applications in Angular Approximation”, Hacet. J. Math. Stat., 49:5 (2020), 1594–1610
Akgun R., “Mixed Modulus of Smoothness With Muckenhoupt Weights and Approximation By Angle”, Complex Var. Elliptic Equ., 64:2 (2019), 330–351
Ainur Jumabayeva, Boris Simonov, Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis, Topics in Classical and Modern Analysis, 2019, 159
Akgun R., “Mixed modulus of continuity in the Lebesgue spaces with Muckenhouptweights and their properties”, Turk. J. Math., 40:6 (2016), 1169–1192