71 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/sm3573
Б. Берндтссон, С. В. Кисляков, Р. Г. Новиков, В. М. Полтерович, П. Л. Поляков, А. Е. Туманов, А. А. Шананин, Ч. Л. Эпштейн, “Геннадий Маркович Хенкин (некролог)”, УМН, 72:3(435) (2017), 170–190
; B. Berndtsson, S. V. Kislyakov, R. G. Novikov, V. M. Polterovich, P. L. Polyakov, A. E. Tumanov, A. A. Shananin, C. L. Epstein, “Gennadi Markovich Henkin (obituary)”, Russian Math. Surveys, 72:3 (2017), 547–570
Ly Kim Ha, “Zero varieties for the Nevanlinna class in weakly pseudoconvex domains of maximal type F in $\mathbb {C}^2$ C 2”, Ann Glob Anal Geom, 51:4 (2017), 327
Ly Kim Ha, “Tangential Cauchy–Riemann Equations on Pseudoconvex Boundaries of Finite and Infinite Type in $\mathbb {C}^2$ C 2”, Results Math, 72:1-2 (2017), 105
Bourgain J., “on Uniformly Bounded Bases in Spaces of Holomorphic Functions”, Am. J. Math., 138:2 (2016), 571–584
Loredana Lanzani, Elias M. Stein, Association for Women in Mathematics Series, 4, Harmonic Analysis, Partial Differential Equations, Complex Analysis, Banach Spaces, and Operator Theory (Volume 1), 2016, 179
R. F. Shamoyan, S. M. Kurilenko, “On traces of analytic Herz and Bloch type spaces in bounded strongly pseudoconvex domains in $\mathbb{C}^{n}$”, Пробл. анал. Issues Anal., 4(22):1 (2015), 73–94
S. Saber, “The $\bar \partial $ -problem on q-pseudoconvex domains with applications”, Math. Slovaca, 63:3 (2013), 521
Loredana Lanzani, Elias M. Stein, “Cauchy-type integrals in several complex variables”, Bull. Math. Sci., 3:2 (2013), 241
Sayed Saber, “Global Boundary Regularity for the
-problem on Strictly q-convex and q-concave Domains”, Complex Anal. Oper. Theory, 6:6 (2012), 1157
Sayed Saber, “Solvability of the tangential Cauchy-Riemann equations on boundaries of strictly q-convex domains”, Lobachevskii J Math, 32:3 (2011), 189