108 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/sm3354
Winfried Kohnen, “p-adic distributions associated to heegner points on modular curves”, Math Z, 194:3 (1987), 443
Avner Ash, Glenn Stevens, “Modular forms in characteristic ℓ
and special values of their L
-functions”, Duke Math. J., 53:3 (1986)
Winfried Kohnen, “Fourier coefficients of modular forms of half-integral weight”, Math. Ann., 271:2 (1985), 237
Haberland K., “Periods of Modular-Forms of One Variable and Group Co-Homology .1.”, Math. Nachr., 112 (1983), 245–282
Koblitz N., “P-Adic Eigen-Functions for Kubert Distributions”, Can. J. Math.-J. Can. Math., 35:4 (1983), 674–686
Panchishkin A., “P-Adic l-Series of Rankin Type for the Higher Level”, Vestn. Mosk. Univ. Seriya 1 Mat. Mekhanika, 1982, no. 3, 65–68
W. Kohnen, D. Zagier, “Values ofL-series of modular forms at the center of the critical strip”, Invent Math, 64:2 (1981), 175
В. В. Шокуров, “Интегралы Шимуры параболических форм”, Изв. АН СССР. Сер. матем., 44:3 (1980), 670–718 ; V. V. Shokurov, “Shimura integrals of cusp forms”, Math. USSR-Izv., 16:3 (1981), 603–646
Ф. Дж. Дайсон, “Упущенные возможности”, УМН, 35:1(211) (1980), 171–191
Kazuyuki Hatada, “Eigenvalues of Hecke operators on SL(2, Z)”, Math Ann, 239:1 (1979), 75