108 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/sm3354
Dohoon Choi, Subong Lim, “Hecke structures of weakly holomorphic modular forms and their algebraic properties”, Journal of Number Theory, 184 (2018), 428
Radu Gaba, Alexandru A. Popa, “A generalization of Ramanujan's congruence to modular forms of prime level”, Journal of Number Theory, 193 (2018), 48
Francis Brown, “A class of non-holomorphic modular forms III: real analytic cusp forms for
$\mathrm {SL}_2(\mathbb {Z})$
)”, Res Math Sci, 5:3 (2018)
Nikolaos Diamantis, Larry Rolen, “Period polynomials, derivatives of L-functions, and zeros of polynomials”, Res Math Sci, 5:1 (2018)
Francis Brown, “A class of non-holomorphic modular forms I”, Res Math Sci, 5:1 (2018)
SoYoung Choi, Chang Heon Kim, “Eichler–Shimura isomorphism in higher level cases and its applications”, Journal of Number Theory, 177 (2017), 353
Florian Sprung, “On pairs of p-adic L-functions for weight-two modular forms”, Alg. Number Th., 11:4 (2017), 885
SoYoung Choi, Chang Heon Kim, “Weakly holomorphic Hecke eigenforms and Hecke eigenpolynomials”, Advances in Mathematics, 290 (2016), 144
Michael O. Neururer, “Eichler cohomology in general weights using spectral theory”, Ramanujan J, 41:1-3 (2016), 437
Yajun Zhou, “Kontsevich–Zagier integrals for automorphic Green's functions. I”, Ramanujan J, 38:2 (2015), 227