93 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/rm4715
Anatoly T. Fomenko, Vladislav A. Kibkalo, “Topology of Liouville foliations of integrable billiards on table-complexes”, European Journal of Mathematics, 8:4 (2022), 1392
Robert Cardona, “The topology of Bott integrable fluids”, DCDS, 42:9 (2022), 4321
С. С. Николаенко, “Топологическая классификация гамильтоновых систем на двумерных некомпактных многообразиях”, Матем. сб., 211:8 (2020), 68–101 ; S. S. Nikolaenko, “Topological classification of Hamiltonian systems on two-dimensional noncompact manifolds”, Sb. Math., 211:8 (2020), 1127–1158
Е. А. Кудрявцева, А. А. Ошемков, “Бифуркации интегрируемых механических систем с магнитным полем на поверхностях вращения”, Чебышевский сб., 21:2 (2020), 244–265
Sergiy Maksymenko, “Deformations of functions on surfaces by isotopic to the identity diffeomorphisms”, Topology and its Applications, 282 (2020), 107312
П. Е. Рябов, “Бифуркации торов Лиувилля в системе двух вихрей в Бозе–Эйнштейновском конденсате, имеющих положительные интенсивности”, Докл. РАН, 485:6 (2019), 670–675 [P. E. Ryabov, “Bifurcations of Liouville tori in a system of two vortices of positive intensity in a Bose–Einstein condensate”, Dokl. Math., 99:2 (2019), 225–229 ]
P. E. Ryabov, S. V. Sokolov, “Phase Topology of Two Vortices of Identical Intensities in a Bose – Einstein Condensate”, Rus. J. Nonlin. Dyn., 15:1 (2019), 59–66
Pavel E. Ryabov, Artemiy A. Shadrin, “Bifurcation Diagram of One Generalized Integrable Model of Vortex Dynamics”, Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 24:4 (2019), 418–431
Fomenko A.T. Vedyushkina V.V., “Topological Billiards, Conservation Laws and Classification of Trajectories”, Functional Analysis and Geometry: Selim Grigorievich Krein Centennial, Contemporary Mathematics, 733, ed. Kuchment P. Semenov E., Amer Mathematical Soc, 2019, 129–148
N Martynchuk, H R Dullin, K Efstathiou, H Waalkens, “Scattering invariants in Euler's two-center problem”, Nonlinearity, 32:4 (2019), 1296