68 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/rm3464
  1. Andrea Gombani, Michele Pavon, “On the Hankel-norm approximation of linear stochastic systems”, Systems & Control Letters, 5:5 (1985), 283  crossref
  2. Finbarr Holland, “Report on the Dublin matrix theory conference, March 1984”, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 68 (1985), 263  crossref
  3. Richard Rochberg, Operators and Function Theory, 1985, 225  crossref
  4. Л. Д. Пустыльников, “Тёплицевы и ганкелевы матрицы и их применения”, УМН, 39:4(238) (1984), 53–84  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa; L. D. Pustyl'nikov, “Toeplitz and Hankel matrices and their applications”, Russian Math. Surveys, 39:4 (1984), 63–98  crossref  isi
  5. Michele Pavon, “Canonical correlations of past inputs and future outputs for linear stochastic systems”, Systems & Control Letters, 4:4 (1984), 209  crossref
  6. Carl Sundberg, “A counterexample in H∞+BUC”, Duke Math. J., 51:2 (1984)  crossref
  7. Stephen Semmes, “Trace ideal criteria for Hankel operators, and applications to Besov spaces”, Integr equ oper theory, 7:2 (1984), 241  crossref
  8. В. В. Пеллер, “Описание операторов Ганкеля класса $\mathfrak S_p$ при $p>0$, исследование скорости рациональной аппроксимации и другие приложения”, Матем. сб., 122(164):4(12) (1983), 481–510  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath; V. V. Peller, “A description of Hankel operators of class $\mathfrak S_p$ for $p>0$, an investigation of the rate of rational approximation, and other applications”, Math. USSR-Sb., 50:2 (1985), 465–494  crossref