68 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/rm3464
  1. R. Cheng, M. Pourahmadi, “Baxter's inequality and convergence of finite predictors of multivariate stochastic processess”, Probab. Th. Rel. Fields, 95:1 (1993), 115  crossref
  2. R Cheng, “Rational spectral densities and strong mixing”, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 42:2 (1992), 267  crossref
  3. R Cheng, “Hölder classes of vector-valued functions and convergence of the best predictor”, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 42:1 (1992), 110  crossref
  4. Eric Hayashi, Lloyd N. Trefethen, Martin H. Gutknecht, “The CF table”, Constr Approx, 6:2 (1990), 195  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi
  5. Andrea Gombani, Michele Pavon, “A general hankel-norm approximation scheme for linear recursive filtering”, Automatica, 26:1 (1990), 103  crossref
  6. Albrecht Böttcher, Bernd Silbermann, Springer Monographs in Mathematics, Analysis of Toeplitz Operators, 1990, 47  crossref
  7. Angelo Cavazzana, Michele Pavont, “Principal component analysis for multivariate stochastic processes”, Stochastics and Stochastic Reports, 30:3-4 (1990), 151  crossref
  8. Albrecht Böttcher, Bernd Silbermann, Springer Monographs in Mathematics, Analysis of Toeplitz Operators, 1990, 248  crossref
  9. В. А. Толоконников, “Алгебры ограниченных функций с гладкой коаналитической частью”, Функц. анализ и его прил., 23:1 (1989), 88–89  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath; V. A. Tolokonnikov, “Algebras of bounded functions with smooth coanalytic part”, Funct. Anal. Appl., 23:1 (1989), 78–79  crossref  isi
  10. Lizhong Peng, “Hankel operators on the Paley-Wiener space in ? d”, Integr equ oper theory, 12:4 (1989), 567  crossref