53 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/mzm1785
Zudilin, W, “Well-poised generation of Apery-like recursions”, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 178:1–2 (2005), 513
Fischler, S, “Irrationality of zeta values”, Asterisque, 2004, no. 294, 27
Zudilin, W, “Well-poised hypergeometric transformations of Euler-type multiple integrals”, Journal of the London Mathematical Society-Second Series, 70 (2004), 215
Fischler, S, “Pade approximants and equilibrated hypergeometric series”, Journal de Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees, 82:10 (2003), 1369
Sondow, J, “Criteria for irrationality of Euler's constant”, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 131:11 (2003), 3335
В. В. Зудилин, “Об иррациональности значений дзета-функции Римана”, Изв. РАН. Сер. матем., 66:3 (2002), 49–102 ; W. V. Zudilin, “Irrationality of values of the Riemann zeta function”, Izv. Math., 66:3 (2002), 489–542
В. В. Зудилин, “О диофантовых задачах для $q$-дзета-значений”, Матем. заметки, 72:6 (2002), 936–940 ; W. V. Zudilin, “Diophantine Problems for $q$-Zeta Values”, Math. Notes, 72:6 (2002), 858–862
В. Н. Сорокин, “Циклические графы и теорема Апери”, УМН, 57:3(345) (2002), 99–134 ; V. N. Sorokin, “Cyclic graphs and Apéry's theorem”, Russian Math. Surveys, 57:3 (2002), 535–571
Rivoal, T, “Irrationality of a least one of the nine numbers zeta(5), zeta(7),...,zeta(21)”, Acta Arithmetica, 103:2 (2002), 157
В. В. Зудилин, “Об иррациональности значений дзета-функции в нечетных точках”, УМН, 56:2(338) (2001), 215–216 ; W. V. Zudilin, “On the irrationality of the values of the zeta function at odd integer points”, Russian Math. Surveys, 56:2 (2001), 423–424