53 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/mzm1785
А. И. Аптекарев, “Предисловие”, Рациональные приближения постоянной Эйлера и рекуррентные соотношения, Сборник статей, Совр. пробл. матем., 9, МИАН, М., 2007, 5–10 ; A. I. Aptekarev, “Preface”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 272, suppl. 2 (2011), S138–S141
Elsner, C, “Algebraic relations for reciprocal sums of Fibonacci numbers”, Acta Arithmetica, 130:1 (2007), 37
Krattenthaler, C, “Hypergeometry and Riemann's zeta function”, Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, 186:875 (2007), VII
Т. Г. Хессами Пилеруд, Х. Хессами Пилеруд, “Об иррациональности сумм дзета-значений”, Матем. заметки, 79:4 (2006), 607–618 ; T. G. Hessami Pilehrood, Kh. Hessami Pilehrood, “Irrationality of the sums of zeta values”, Math. Notes, 79:4 (2006), 561–571
Fischler, S, “An exponent of rational approximation of density”, International Mathematics Research Notices, 2006, 95418
Huttner, M, “Constructible sets of linear differential equations and effective rational approximations of polylogarithmic functions”, Israel Journal of Mathematics, 153 (2006), 1
Rivoal, T, “Euler Numbers, Pade approximants and Catalan's constant”, Ramanujan Journal, 11:2 (2006), 199
Krattenthaler, C, “Basic hypergeometric series, q-analogues of the values of the function zeta and the Eisenstein series”, Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu, 5:1 (2006), 53
S. Fischler, T. Rivoal, “Un exposant de densite en approximation rationnelle”, International Mathematics Research Notices, 2006
В. В. Зудилин, “Элементарное доказательство иррациональности ряда Чакалова”, Фундамент. и прикл. матем., 11:6 (2005), 59–64 ; W. V. Zudilin, “An elementary proof of the irrationality of Tschakaloff series”, J. Math. Sci., 146:2 (2007), 5669–5673