231 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/mzm1234
Guliyev N.J., “Schrodinger Operators With Distributional Potentials and Boundary Conditions Dependent on the Eigenvalue Parameter”, J. Math. Phys., 60:6 (2019), 063501
Vasiliev S.V., “An Inverse Spectral Problem For Sturm-Liouville Operators With Singular Potentials on Arbitrary Compact Graphs”, Tamkang J. Math., 50:3, SI (2019), 293–305
Kanguzhin B.E., “Changes in a Finite Part of the Spectrum of the Laplace Operator Under Delta-Like Perturbations”, Differ. Equ., 55:10 (2019), 1328–1335
Eckhardt J., Kostenko A., Teschl G., “Spectral Asymptotics For Canonical Systems”, J. Reine Angew. Math., 736 (2018), 285–315
Nalzhupbayeva G., “Remark on the eigenvalues of the $m$-Laplacian in a punctured domain”, Complex Anal. Oper. Theory, 12:3 (2018), 599–606
Bondarenko N.P., “A 2-Edge Partial Inverse Problem For the Sturm-Liouville Operators With Singular Potentials on a Star-Shaped Graph”, Tamkang J. Math., 49:1 (2018), 49–66
Manafov M.D., “Self-Adjoint Extensions of Differential Operators With Potentials-Point Interactions”, 6Th International Eurasian Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Applications (Iecmsa-2017), AIP Conference Proceedings, 1926, eds. Tosun M., Ersoy S., Ilarslan K., Amer Inst Physics, 2018, UNSP 020029
Kanguzhin B.E., “Weinstein Criteria and Regularized Traces in the Case of Transverse Vibrations of An Elastic String With Springs”, Differ. Equ., 54:1 (2018), 7–12
Д. Ю. Бородинова, Л. В. Крицков, “Оценки корневых функций одномерного оператора Шрёдингера с сильной граничной сингулярностью”, Дифференц. уравнения, 54:5 (2018), 575–584 ; D. Yu. Borodinova, L. V. Kritskov, “Estimates of the root functions of a one-dimensional Schrödinger operator with a strong boundary singularity”, Differ. Equ., 54:5 (2018), 567–577
Т. Р. Гадыльшин, Ф. Х. Мукминов, “Возмущение нелинейного уравнения второго порядка дельта-образным потенциалом”, Уфимск. матем. журн., 10:2 (2018), 30–42 ; T. R. Gadyl'shin, F. Kh. Mukminov, “Perturbation of second order nonlinear equation by delta-like potential”, Ufa Math. J., 10:2 (2018), 31–43