83 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/jsm5
  1. Frank Göhmann, Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics, 2025, 38  crossref
  2. Giuliano Niccoli, Véronique Terras, “On correlation functions for the open XXZ chain with non-longitudinal boundary fields: The case with a constraint”, SciPost Phys., 16:4 (2024)  crossref
  3. N. A. Slavnov, “Algebraic Bethe ansatz approach to the correlation functions of the one-dimensional bosons with attraction”, JHEP, 2024 (2024), 61  mathnet  crossref  isi
  4. Oleksandr Gamayun, Oleg Lychkovskiy, “One-dimensional Fermi polaron after a kick: Two-sided singularity of the momentum distribution, Bragg reflection and other exact results”, SciPost Phys., 17:2 (2024)  crossref
  5. F. H. L. Essler, A. J. J. M. de Klerk, “Statistics of Matrix Elements of Local Operators in Integrable Models”, Phys. Rev. X, 14:3 (2024)  crossref
  6. Ovidiu I. Pâţu, Andreas Klümper, Angela Foerster, “Exact spectral function and nonequilibrium dynamics of the strongly interacting Hubbard model”, Phys. Rev. B, 110:20 (2024)  crossref
  7. Frank Göhmann, Karol K Kozlowski, Mikhail D Minin, “Thermal form-factor expansion of the dynamical two-point functions of local operators in integrable quantum chains”, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 56:47 (2023), 475003  crossref
  8. Г. В. Кулкарни, Н. А. Славнов, “Действие элементов матрицы монодромии в обобщенном алгебраическом анзаце Бете”, ТМФ, 217:3 (2023), 555–576  mathnet  crossref  scopus; G. Kulkarni, N. A. Slavnov, “Action of the monodromy matrix elements in the generalized algebraic Bethe ansatz”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 217:3 (2023), 1889–1906  mathnet  crossref
  9. Г. В. Кулкарни, Н. А. Славнов, “Скалярные произведения векторов Бете в обобщенном алгебраическом анзаце Бете”, ТМФ, 217:1 (2023), 179–203  mathnet  crossref  scopus; G. Kulkarni, N. A. Slavnov, “Scalar products of Bethe vectors in the generalized algebraic Bethe ansatz”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 217:1 (2023), 1574–1594  mathnet  crossref
  10. Ovidiu I. Pâţu, “Exact spectral function of the Tonks-Girardeau gas at finite temperature”, Phys. Rev. A, 106:5 (2022)  crossref